Dear Editor,
In my 35 years with the Walla Walla County Sheriff’s Office, I’ve worked my way through the ranks serving as a deputy, corporal, and sergeant. Four Sheriff’s have served during my time at the WWSO and all were highly qualified, trained, and more than capable of doing the job. One was born and raised in Walla Walla; three others were not. All served very well in the position and left the office better than when they arrived. I have a long view of the office and that is why I can say, without a shadow of a doubt, that Mark Crider is the most qualified, experienced, and capable person I have ever seen run for the position of Walla Walla County Sheriff.
Mark has made a smooth transition from FBI Special Agent to Walla Walla County Undersheriff. He has done something I have seen few administrators do in my career; he has reached out to deputies across the ranks to find out what drives, motivates, and concerns them about the job. He has ridden with deputies, both on and off duty, to get a sense as to where they want to take the WWSO in the future. His depth of law enforcement knowledge, experience, and training are unmatched in this election. During the primary for this election one of Mark’s opponents correctly stated that “the position of county Sheriff is advanced law is no place for on the job training”. I could not agree more and with Mark Crider as Sheriff you can expect that high degree of advanced law enforcement and then some!
Mark Crider is the type of law enforcement professional and leader that I would be proud to serve under any day of the week. That is why the vast majority of deputies in the Walla Walla Commissioned Deputies Association voted to endorse Mark. He is the right man for the right job at the right time. In the continuously changing landscape of law enforcement, Mark Crider has the experience, grit, and knowledge to ensure the deputies at the Walla Walla County Sheriff’s Office maintain the expertise with which they have long served this county.
Please join me and my fellow deputies in supporting Mark Crider for Walla Walla County Sheriff.
Robin Frisvold
Sergeant, Walla Walla County Sheriff’s Office
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