Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Pioneer Portraits

Ten Years Ago-October 16, 2008

The biggest who of the year (in actual numbers)----High School MASS Band and Chorus-is coming to the Waitsburg High School gym on Wednesday, October 22. Around 300 high school band and choral students from al over the area will descend on WHS Wednesday afternoon. They have been preparing certain pieces of music at their home schools from Touchet to Rosalia for the last month. On Wednesday they will all rehearse together for the first in time with expert conductors, and perform an enormous concert on the gym floor at 7pm.

Photo caption: Back in November of 2001, we published a similar photo submitted by Myra Bloor with a picture of the 1934 Waitsburg High Football team. Here's the 1933 team, provided by Jane Butler. Front row: Dale Briggs, James Butler, Wayne Bateman, Pierre Ganguet, Jim Hamby, Fred Harris, James Nifong, Arthur McComber, Paul Bailey, Dwight Atkinson, Paul Kruchek. Back Row: Coach Wagner, Gerald Lockard-manager, Ty Cobb, Bab Buroker, Kick Long, Pete Kinder, Kenneth Zuger, Fred Buroker, Myron Harsch, Ted Jones, Bert Butler, Andrew Keve, Melvin Nifong, Emmet Porter, Charles Sutton, Edwin Neace-manager

Twenty Five Years Ago-October 7, 1993

Eleven planes piloted by aerial applicators from three states converged on the Huntsville Airport last week. In the fly-in, Washington State University and University of Idaho experts tested the accuracy and spray-patterns of the airplanes. The planes are used to apply fertilizers and pesticides on crops. Aerial applicators attend much "fly-ins" on a voluntary basis to increase accuracy in applying farm chemicals. To test their planes' spray systems, pilots flew low to the ground, making three passes over a 100 foot cotton string-the target area. As they flew over the string, the applicators "sprayed" it with a colorful water-based fluorescent dye..

Columbia County Commissioners were presented with a gift on Monday, Oct. 4-a quilt with a depiction of the county Courthouse on it. The full size quilt was a gift of Ann Slaybaugh of Dayton.. The commissioners decided to place the quilt in the county safe in the Courthouse until they decide where the quilt will be displayed inside the newly restored building on Main Street.

Fifty Years Ago-October 10, 1968

Walter Schnell, President of Schnell Industrial Cleaners of College Place, spent his Tuesday lunch hour in Preston Park playing with his granddaughter. He lost his billfold somewhere on the lawn, but did not notice it at the time. Tuesday evening he made a phone call from home to Judge A. C. Watson who contacted Officer Bud Todt via the two-way radio. The radio-dispatched patrol car located the billfold within ten minutes of Schnell's original call. One wonders of modern electronics.

Waitsburg Camp Fire Council board members, leaders, and interested adults enjoyed a turkey dinner Wednesday evening, Oct 2, in the Legion Banquet Rooms. Plans were made and Camp Fire was explained to newcomers to the group, with Bob Sickles presiding. Leaders for this year are Nancy Otterson, Bluebirds: Janis Austin, fourth grade: Kay Pettichord, sixth grade: Martha Kenney, eighth grade.

Seventy Five Years Ago-Oct 15, 1963

Apple harvest for both Jonathans and Delicious is at its peak in this vicinity. The Danielson and bode orchards in Waitsburg, and others in and around Dayton are gathering the year's crop now although the Banana and other late varieties are not yet ripe enough to pick.

A number of deer have been tagged by our worthy hunters. The Hermann brothers, Pete, Ed and Andy, Charlie Powers, Gordon Leid, Glen Smith, Guy Barger, Victor Carpenter, Charlie Gross, Mount Shaffer, Charles Bristol and Charles Zuger were among those whose air was "good and true"

One Hundred Years Ago-Oct 18, 1918

Acting under orders from Dr. T. D. Tuttle, state commissioner of public health, Dr. R. E. Butler, City Health officer, issued an order last Friday morning, prohibiting any public gatherings in Waitsburg until further notice. The cause of the drastic closing was that a couple of cases of Spanish influenza had shown up.

Eight-five pounds or several million lady-bugs were brought to Walla Walla County Saturday by County Agent H. H. Boone for storage during the winter at Walla Walla Meat and Cold Storage Company's warehouse. Mr. Boone is planning a big aphis campaign here next year.

Born at the farm home east of this city, Monday, October 14th, 1918 to Mr. and Mrs. Will Philips, a son. The young soldier and his mother are getting along fine.

One Hundred Twenty Five Years Ago

Oct 20, 1893

The contract for building a bridge across the spring branch just west of the county line on the Whiskey Creek has been let to John C. McCarthur and he will begin work on the same as soon as lumber can be got on the ground. The bridge is much needed and the fact that it is to be built will be welcome news to the many who travel that road.

Frank Vining has undertaken to learn the printer's trade at The Times Office. He shows aptness from the start, and likes the business thus far-two of the most essential requisites to success.

T. J. Cleninger and family have gone to "Hog Heaven". A very appropriate place for them.

Perhaps many of their old friends in this city don't know that J. S. Houtchens and wife have a new babe-three weeks old.


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