Dear Editor,
The general election is just around the corner. The ballots will be mailed out on October 19th, so we will be receiving them in our mailboxes soon. Much has been said about both candidates for Sheriff; much has been discussed on social media. I’m the type of person who checks for himself and only uses what people say to start my fact checking.
I had the luxury of being in on the interview process when the position of Undersheriff was selected. I heard from all the candidates, and Mark Crider’s honesty, dedication, training, abilities, integrity and fairness stood out. I knew we had a great person to come work for the Walla Walla Sheriff’s Office to support our professional development in law enforcement.
I continued my research into Mark Crider’s background and actions he took as an FBI Agent. He stood up to all my scrutiny. I found nothing in his record or background that would make me wonder or have concern that he wouldn’t be a superb addition to the Walla Walla Sheriff’s Office. I encourage any of you to do this research yourself and see that what I said is true. I don’t have any doubts you will agree.
Since that time, I’ve had the continued luxury of working with Mark and getting to know him on a personal and professional basis. My opinion of his abilities and qualifications to be Sheriff has not wavered. I’ve seen him in action, I’ve seen him developing positive relationships with other county leaders, and I’ve seen him obtaining resources for our county at little to no cost. I’ve observed great fiscal understanding and responsibility. I’ve observed him develop positive relationships with all facets of our agency. Mark will be a tremendous asset to Walla Walla County and most certainly to the Walla Walla Sheriff’s Office. During the Walla Walla Commissioned Deputies Association vote to decide whom we should endorse, Mark gained over 94% from those who cast ballots. He has 75% of the total membership even including those who didn’t vote. In the land of elections that is not only a landslide; it is overwhelming support from the Deputies Association.
I urge you to join with the Walla Walla Commissioned Deputies Association in giving your endorsement, in the form of your vote, for Mark Crider for Sheriff.
Ron Varner
Crime Analyst Technician
Walla Walla County Sheriff’s Office
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