Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Pioneer Portraits

Ten Years Ago-October 23, 2008

The 50 string Salt & Light Music Ministry comprised of young people from Waitsburg, Dayton and the surrounding area, will be giving a concert in Dayton Sunday. The group which rehearses inspirational music and tours in June with its inspirational message will present its musical offerings at 6pm, Sunday, Oct 26, at the Harvest Christian Center in Dayton.

Walla Walla Sasayama Sister City Committee has returned from Sasyama Hyogo Prefecture Japan after an 11-day home stay exchange with students from area high schools. Students were Nick Carpenter, Darien Hulce and Ronnie Hulce of Waitsburg High School, Colin McClur, Wade Hicks, Brandi Price and Merrick Martin-Calder of Walla Walla High School and Alicia Marie Anthony of Walla Walla Valley Academy

Twenty Five Years Ago-October 14, 1993

Soon travelers to Dayton will have the opportunity to find lodging in a vintage Victorian hotel, the first of its kind in the area. The hotel will be in the two-story Weinhard Building on East Main Street. Dan and Ginny Butler of Waitsburg, owners of the building, are developing the hotel. The hotel will be called the Weinhard Hotel after its original owner, Jacob Weinhard, who completed the building in 1892.

If you see a blue tag on a bag of wheat seed it means that great care has been taken to maintain both the genetic purity and identity of a seed lot. This requires the close cooperation of grower, seed conditioner, distributor and the Washington State Crop Improvement Association, which is the certifying agency. To become certified, a grower or seed company must first apply to the Crop Improvement Association for clearance to produce a specific class of certified seed. This process requires the association to determine if the variety meets class standards and is acceptable. The grower must provide the association with the production history of the crop land involved to prevent contamination by other varieties.

Fifty Years Ago-October 17, 1968

Ad prices-Tv Dinners, 39 cents; Bread, 4 for $1; Peanut Butter, 98 cents; Tang; Salad Dressing, qt, 45 cents; 3 pound coffee, $2.15; Margarine, 6 for $1.

Green Giant's board approved the company's entry into the restaurant business, Robert C. Cosgrove, president reported today. Cosgrove describes the departure from its existing business of food processing into the restaurant area as a real "natural for the Big Green Man whose image has become a household word for good eating."

Photo caption: 1968 Cardinal Football Team-Front Row, left to right, Randy Halsey, Jack Roberts, Jim Leid, George Bodman, Joe Gagnon, Dan Henze, Jerry Miller, Bill Langley, Mike John, Marc Zuger, Frank Reser, Randy Pearson. Second row, Charles Hermanns, Bruce Abbey Scott Cresswell, Jerry Elsey, Andy Maib, Dan Neal, Tom Archer, Louie Gagnon, Roger Coleman, Bob Johnson. Third row, Charles Baker, Jim Hubbard, Gary Pierson, Keith Carpenter, Steve Baum, Micky Cole, Wally Bird, Glen Smith, Howard Smith, George Gagnon. Top row, Randy Baer, Terry Bennett, Jeff Peterson, Pat Mohney, Jay Thomas, Jimmy Stonecipher, Clayton Bowman, Dwight Thomas. Coaches: Shannon Hiatt, Dick Kinart and Wayne Henderson.

Seventy Five Years Ago-Oct 22, 1943

Fall seeding operations are underway in and about Waitsburg after the past week's rain but the labor problems have increased by extra demands for men to be used in various phases of this work, have become acute.

Beverly Roberts had several bones in her foot broken last week when the horse she was riding slipped and fell, pinning her foot under him. She was taken to Dayton for x-rays and a cast placed on it.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Huwe and daughter Kay were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nichols, Walla Walla, and Miss Bonnie Huwe who has been in Walla Walla several weeks. Miss Huwe began work at Gardner's Dept Store Monday.

One Hundred Years Ago-Oct 25, 1918

Dr. F. H. Carver, a prominent physician and surgeon of this city, received a telegram Monday morning conferring on him the rank of First Lieutenant in the Medical Corps of the Army and instructing him to report to Camp Lewis within fifteen days.

Born in this city, Friday evening, Oct 18th to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wills, a daughter.

Frank Neace has just installed a complete electric light and power system on his farm near this city, which gives him all the labor-saving devices of the city home, besides supplying an abundance of light for the farm house and other buildings. The plant used is the new model Swartz unit.

The many friends of Miss Nellie Atkinson were pleasantly entertained at her home on Saturday, the occasion being her twentieth birthday.

One Hundred Twenty Five Years Ago - Oct 27, 1893

A very pleasant reception was given Miss Margaret Preston at the elegant and hospitable home of A. Stewart and wife, on Wednesday evening.

Platt Morrow and Ott Smith are new members of the Waitsburg Cornet Band. They are both good boys and both have musical talent.

Marcus Zuger gave us a pleasant call on Wednesday and gave us a little restored confidence.

Miss Caddie Camp was married in Salam, Oregon, Oct 17 to a gentleman of Genessee, Id. H. P. Glass.


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