Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Support Urged for Chuck Amerein

Dear Editor,

I am urging you to support Chuck Amerein for Columbia county commissioner. He will be a fresh new face in our county government. While experience is helpful, change is good too.

I think we need Chuck. He has many qualities that will make for a good commissioner.        

Leadership – he commanded soldiers

Decision Making – His decisions were life and death decisions

Business – He has owned and operated 2 fitness businesses which involves people skills, perseverance and a work ethic.

Currently he is a journeyman carpenter as well as an independent contractor.

 All of these need financial skills. You don’t stay in business if you can’t manage a budget.

You don’t stay in business if you don’t have a work ethic.

Deciding he needed to know what commissioners did, he attended commissioner meetings to acquaint himself with the duties of commissioners and to understand the current issues of the county.

As Commander of the American Legion Post # 42 you have probably seen him at many community functions. He cares about our county and our community.

Military training gives you all kinds of skills.

Leadership – you are in charge of others, their well-being and their safety. I would like him to make our county better.

Decision Making – he has had a lot of experience in this area: weighing options. looking at data, circumstances, and risks, all of these skills will help him make good decisions for us.

I think Chuck will be willing to hear from those who have concerns.

Leadership, decision making, financial skills, business owner, all of these make Chuck Amerein the perfect man for commissioner.

Leah Stockton



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