Ten Years Ago-November 27, 2008
Photo Caption: "Fiddler on the Roof" is in performances at the Liberty Theater in Dayton-and all shows are sold out. The rural village of Annatevka, home to Tevre (Steve Edwards) and his wife Golde (Sheri Huwe), comes alive on stage as Tevye, the father of five daughters attempts to maintain his family and religious traditions while outside influences encroach.
The milkshakes in America are yummier, but exchange student Madina Marstovna Musina misses "naan", the bread baked in a wood fired oven that is a staple in her homeland of Tajikistan. Musina, 16, lives with host family John and Penny Hazelbaker of Waitsburg, one of the Foreign Leaders Exchange system students.
Photo Caption: Last week at Waitsburg High School was Harvest Ball Week and the theme was "CSI:Waitsburg". WHS students discovered John Deer (himself) dead under a harrow in The Cage. The scene was taped off and a chalk outline made. Last Friday the FFA Court competed in Ag Olympics, pinning the tail on a cow, bobbing for limes, and donning overalls, boots and a hat before hunting for an FFA pin in a bucket of straw. After all was said and done, Val Hamann and Jack Zuger were voted Harvest Ball queen and king. From left: Jared Kibler, Becca Brown, Harvest Ball Queen Val Hamann, Harvest Ball King Jace Zuger, Justin Armstrong, Amber Morris, Justin Zuger, Taylor Doepker.
Twenty Five Years Ago-November 18, 1993
Columbia County Services is operating a furniture refinishing shop in Dayton and by all indications business is booming. As an important dividend of the unique program, some special people are learning job skills, earning wages, and serving the community.
Jeff Hegardt is a firm believer in family. Hegardt, along with his son and daughter in law, Ron and Brenda Riven, are the new owners of the Farmers Café on Main Street in Waitsburg. Photo caption: Hazel Langdon, left, and Evelyn Smith are two of the regulars at Waitsburg Farmers Café.
Photo caption: Leonard Peralez, left, and Jenny Ryckman, in photos above, model clothing for Sears and Rave, respectively during fashion show at Blue Mountain Mall in Walla Walla Nov. 13. In photo below, models from left, Amy Shollenberger, Stacy Thomas, Cori Kenney and Kathie Standill. All models in photo are from Waitsburg.
Fifty Years Ago - November 21, 1968
Photo caption: This picture, taken by Charles Baker on a recent trip to the Marmes Rock Shelter, shows the progress that is being made on construction of the Snake River Bridge at Lyons Ferry location. The center section was raised some three weeks ago, and the final phases of construction have begun. The bridge will carry automobile traffic across the river at a point down river from the Little Goose Dam
Jack and Nancy Otterson will reopen the Plaza Theatre on Friday and Saturday, Nov 22, 23. A comedy that is rated for family pleasure will be shown at 7:30pm, both evenings. The film, "Did you hear the one about the traveling salesman" was released in February '68 and stars Phyllis Diller and Bob Denver.
The following high school senior girls have signed up as contestants to the Touchet Valley Junior Miss Pagenta, which will be held on Saturday Nov 30th, in the Dayton High School auditorium. Entries to date are: Rita Thomas and Nancy Hopwood, both from Prescott High School. Christie Bond, Kathy Sherma, Kayla Osborn, Carol Watkins, and Nita Young all from the Dayton High School.
Seventy Five Years Ago - Nov 26, 1943
A committee composed of Harold Pfann, R. D. Roberts and Jack Sweazy was named Tuesday evening from the Commercial Club to investigate possible sites for a community cannery.
Mrs. Jack Penner has been fortunate enough to furnish goose for the Thanksgiving dinner for many families.
Meat dealers have been authorized to give two meat ration points for every pound of fat turned in by housewives.
One Hundred Years Ago - Nov 29, 1918
Loyd Johnson of this city recently completed making 300 gallons of sorghum molasses, which is a new industry here. The cane was gown on the Johnson acreage just west of town and on the Chester Wood place near Bolles Junction. The molasses is finding a ready sale.
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Wilson left this week for an extended visit to the old home in Illinois where they will look up relatives for a few weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mills were pleasantly surprised Friday evening when about 20 young people, laden with good things to eat, motored out and spent the evening with them.
One Hundred Twenty Five Years Ago - Dec 1, 1893
Last Saturday was an old-fashioned day in the burg. The town was full of people from the country, and our merchants did a good business-on a cash basis.
Owing to the high price of jute, the penitentiary commissioners have decided to advance the price of grain bags to seven cents, after December 1st.
The Misses Ingraham entertained a few friends on Friday evening. It was a "peanut party" the first of its kind to be given in this city.
Uncle Josiah Cole, father of our J. W. and D. R is down from the upper country on a visit. Uncle Josiah knows more Bible than half the preachers.
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