I am thankful for my friend, Mason. He plays tag with me. We play GTA and Call of Duty together. We also play soccer and football. That is why I am thankful for Mason.
Ryder Hubbard
I’m so thankful for my grandma. She made me and Ty’s mom who made Ty and me. You bought your phone that you gave to me, that you have taken away from me. Can you give it back please? That is why I am thankful for you.
William Harmon
My teacher told my class we had to write about a family member who I am thankful for. I chose my papa because he is the only person that lets me cook with him. I’m also thankful for him because he has three tv’s one for the Xbox one in his room, and one in his living room. He is the best person I know.
Akayden Mikesell
I’m thankful for my mom because she is always there for me. She helps me with my room. She is the best.
Mackenzie Strickland
I’m thankful for my Mom because she takes me to school every day. She taught me how to ride a snowmobile. She taught me how to make my bed every day. That is why I’m thankful for my MOM!!!!!!!!!!
Rollin Carpenter
I’m thankful for my dad because he plays with me. He plays football with me. He likes to go fishing with me and my brother. He likes to take me to fun places on my Birthday. I am thank for my dad.
Isaac Mahre
I am totally glad that you are my teacher Mrs. Coulston. I am thankful for you because you are very, very, very smart and you are always willing to help, except when we have to do our own work. Another reason I am thankful for you is that you don’t get really, really, really angry. I like how you make the things we learn fun. That is why I am thankful for you.
Griffen Hinchliffe
I am thankful for my grandpa because he is always there when I need him. I am thankful for him because he always likes to play games and he always likes to take walks and go to the park which is really fun. I always to go to the park it is really fun there. He likes to eat ice cream and I do too, that is why I am thankful for my grandpa. The other reason I am thankful for him is because he is the nicest grandpa in the world. Lastly, I am thankful for him because he takes me to the park, he takes me out to eat and take me out to get ice cream. I am thankful for him because he lets me hang out with my friends and that is really, really, really nice of you.I am so thankful for you, Grandpa.
Crystal Osborne-Flores
I am very thankful for my sister, Kaylee. First of all, she let me eat some of her Reese’s pieces from her piñata. Another reason I’m thankful for my sister is because she can give me advice about stuff I would be uncomfortable talking about to other people. But hey, those are just two reasons I love her and another one is not because I have to. Even when we have our bad times and at the moment it seems like she hates me, I know she still loves me with all her heart. I always have the best time with her. Like, when she baby-sits me, we have sooo much fun. We listen to loud music, play Guitar Hero and watch TV. All with getting our chores done. I love my sister, I’m also very thankful for her.
Brooklyn White
I’m thankful for Mrs. Coulston because she helps me learn things I don’t know. I’m also thankful for her because she makes me laugh and smile. Another reason I’m thankful for Mrs. Coulston is because she lets the class do fun stuff, but only if we behave. I also love it when her mom brings cookies but I’m talking about Mrs. Coulston. This is why I’m thankful for Mrs. Coulston.
Natalie Knudson
I am thankful for my dad because he is so nice. I love him so much. I love him because he is always there for me and he is a kind and a funny person. I also love him because he is full of fun ideas. I’m glad to have him as my dad and I hope that he will love me no matter what. I admire that he can be strong about things that can really hurt. I love my dad.
Emerson Underwood
I’m thankful for my mom because she gets me clothes and she feeds me. She got us a house to live in. She takes me places to spend time with me and we have good times together. She also gets me stuff for my room like sheets and blankets. I am thankful for you, Mom.
Landen Henry
I am so thankful for my mom and my dad. Why, you might ask. Here are some reasons. Number one they both are very, very supportive when it comes to a big decision. Number two they both are there for me. Well they’re not together but they’re still there. Number three they made me who I am, they made me a human.
Hannah Peralez
I am thankful for my Aunt Becky because she is kind. She is truly amazing. I love how she will go on a horseback ride. It’s sad how that couldn’t happen. But oh well. I wonder how she is doing. I hope she can come down and ski with us. Or we could go down there maybe. I love how she goes out of her way to help me. And she is a very, very nice aunt. She understands. She is also hard-working, and unbelievably sweet. That is why I chose to type this about her.
Layla Booth
I want J.J. to know that I am so thankful for him. One reason I am thankful for him is because he will always be there for me. The second reason is because he always make me feel nice when I am down by making me laugh. When I first met him I just knew that we would be frend’s from beginning to end. He is like a brother to me and he will always be like that to me. If he ever moves I will miss him with all my heart, but at the end of the day I know that I will be with him in his heart!
Beau Hazelbaker
I’m very thankful for my dad. I like when he takes me fishing in the summer and all the seasons. Sometimes we go hunting for ducks, geese, deer, and all kinds of stuff. At our old house me and dad always worked on trucks and four wheelers, bikes, and dirt bikes. My dad is a big candy eater, like when I have my own chocolate bar by the next day it’s gone. The most important thing is that he loves me. Back when he was little he used to have an imagination, like he would cut down trees and a lot of stuff. Also if I might go with my Grandpa to go fishing for king salmon, my dad might come too.
Trace Nesje
I am thankful for my dad. Dad thank you for always being there for me when I need you. I appreciate that you take me to sports. Thank you Dad for everything. Whenever I’m hurt, you help me. Every season you take me hunting. Thank you, Dad.
Kaden Cole
I am so thankful for how hard my grandma works to put thanksgiving together. She is so good at being there for others. She always makes others happy when she buys goodies and shares them. I’m also thankful that she put others first. She is so amazing and I really appreciate how caring she is and I love that about her. I love my grandma Betty so much. She is so awesome! She always is there for me and every one she loves and cares about. I want her to know that she is one of my favorite people in this entire universe. No matter how far away she is I always have and always will love her. She is outstanding, honest and my favorite grandma.
Makenzie Castillo
I am thankful for my Isidro Vasquez because he is never mean and he invites me wherever he goes. He is my best friend ever. I can’t wait until he gets back. I am going to be so happy. That is why I am thankful for Isidro Vasquez.
Rafael Vasquez
I am thankful for my mom. I want you to know I love you, mom and here are the reasons. I love that you cuddle with me when I want to. I am thankful that when I need help, you help me. I love that you are kind to me even when you are sad or mad. Thank you for loving me. I am thankful for you. I love you.
Tegan Targent
I am thankful for my parents because they feed me, they keep me warm and they love me too.
My parents love to hear my jokes and my laugh. I love it when my mom and dad hug me.
Also I love it when we play games with each other. I love the warm feeling when they cheer me on at a performance. I am so thankful for my parents!
Melissa Elder
I am very thankful for my dad because he takes care of me. He does fun stuff with me. He came to all of my football games. Also he comes to dinner with me and has lots of fun with me. He works very hard for me. He is a great dad and I love hanging out with him.
Jayton Gleason
I’m thankful my mom and dad because they made me be born. They raised me. I love my mom and dad. They never forgot me and they never gave up on me. They make me feel good about myself. I feel safe. They are always there when I need them. There’s no one that I love more than them. That’s why I’m thankful my mom and dad.
Ryleigh Crosby
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