Dear Santa,
It’s snowing, and it’s December. The snow is on the house, and the reindeers are on the house, on the snow.
I just want Yoda’s house in Star Wars and all the MineCraft Leggo’s.
Have a good Christmas,
Emerson Kiefel
Dear Santa Claus,
How great is Santa Claus?
I want something from a movie -- the horse’s name is Spirit. I want the horse and the girl that rides Spirit. She rides it to different places, and if she goes on ice, she will go down in the water, cuz it will crack.
Haven Henry
Dear Santa Claus,
Hi. How are you feeling?
I want toy cars and new batteries for my parents.
TJ Hollingsworth
Dear Santa,
How are the elves feeling?
How are your reindeer doing? What are you doing?
I want a slingshot and a thing called My Bro. It has a remote control, and it can follow you. And it has a little baseball finger with a number 1 on it.
See ‘ya,
Cole Goff
Hi, Santa,
How is Holly doing in the North Pole?
I want a Barbie Mermaid.
Andie Rae Alsup
Dear Santa Claus,
What’s the weather like?
I want a toy blue car and a monster truck, a swimming dinosaur, a sea monster, and another monster truck, and a cookie toy.
Jaxon Smith
Dear Santa,
Are your reindeers ready to pull the sleigh?
I want a Barbie House and Barbies. I want play horses that go to it, and a play horse barn, and a truck, and a trailer.
Isabell Vance
Dear Santa Claus,
What are the elves doing?
I want the Power Wheels Dodge Ram. The rest I want for my parents: any Leggo’s or things like that.
See you soon,
Reid Mohney
How are your reindeer doing? How’s Mrs. Claus?
I would like some blank paper and a basket, so I can write and put things in my basket, please.
And I also would like a big board, so I can write things down and teach my sister.
And I love you, too.
Katherine Roberts
Hello, Santa Claus,
I like Santa Claus, cuz he gives us presents.
I want a Fast and Furious car.
Your friend,
Ethan Watson
I love you Santa Claus,
And for Christmas I really want a baby hamster. I’ll hear your jingle bells on the way.
JayLynn Gleason
I like Santa, and I love Santa. We have an elf already hiding. I love my elf. I want a Mickey Mouse toy.
Ava McCaw
Dear St. Nick,
Elves are good. I like snow.
I want 2 toy snowmobiles, a log house, and a car hauler that has pick-ups on it.
Love you, Santa. Merry Christmas!
Jace Grende
Dear Santa,
What I want for Christmas is a remote control snowmobile and a remote control car.
See you soon,
Josiah Nichols
Dear Santa,
I know how to get to the North Pole. My dad’s old house has a passageway.
I want to ask for a glow in the dark Fingerling that is a dinosaur.
See you soon,
Kacen Hubbard
Dear Santa Claus,
Does Santa has reindeers and they fly in the sky at the next Christmas?
Can I have 9 Minecraft figures and 9 cars with remote controllers?
Bentley Hill
Dear Santa,
My elf’s name is Rex. The reindeer are special.
I want a giant Grimbock.
Wyatt Parrish
Dear Saint Nick,
Is Mrs. Claus really good? Is the reindeer and Rudolph getting ready to pull the sleigh? Are the elves making a lot of toys?
I want a Fingerling T Rex, and it is red.
I bet you will like my letter to you,
Nick Reger
Dear Santa,
You read all the letters for the good children. My name is Tyr. I’m a good Tyr this year.
I want a clown jack in the box for Christmas. Shylee wants a Barbie. That’s the perfect gift for her. And Joey needs a toy.
Tyr Elmore
Dear Santa Claus,
How are you, Santa?
I want to get my sister a helmet for her motorcycle. I want a lot of stuff, like a Transformer car, but I want the Transformer that can transform into a helicopter. What else I want, -- I want a Nintendo Switch, too, and I want Super Hero Leggo’s and super hero stuff. And I want Five Nights at Freddy’s Blind Bag. I want Flash stuff. And I want a board to write on, and that’s all.
Your friend,
Rylan Struckmeier
Dear Santa Claus,
Do you like us? We like presents.
I want a big Transformer and a alligator game.
If you step on a green alligator, you will get snapped on the foot, and then you’re out. And I also want a chain sword.
Santa Claus, I love your presents,
Gannon Owen-Grende
Dear Santa,
How’s the reindeers doing? Can I have a Captain America Shield, please? And Hawk Eye bow and arrows, a light saber, and a Captain America motorbike? I want a computer and a Spiderman iphone.
Jayson Bannerman
Dear Santa,
What do the elves live in?
I want a remote control car so bad. And I love you, Santa. How do you make the presents?
See you soon,
Jr. Sacha
What is your reindeers’ names?
I want an undersea car that you can drive under the water.
I love Santa.
Angel Basulto
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