Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Pioneer Portraits - Dec. 20, 2018

Ten Years Ago-December 25 2008

Heavy snow deposited by several consecutive weather systems that have marched across Washington State in the past week and a half caused the collapse of the Thomas Building at the corner of Coppei and Preston avenues at about 6 pm last Sunday evening. The structure, originally the location of a Potlatch Lumber Co, lumber and coal yard, was Scott Lumber Yard for years in the 1950’s, 1960’s and early 1970’s, then was home to a succession of auto parts stores and other enterprises. It appears that at that the east wall of the building fell eastward and the remainder of the structure, bearing a significant amount of snow, followed.

Photo caption: Friends of Dan and Carrie Cole might recognize the white pickup in this photo which appeared in the Phoenix Sun recently. Carrie sent a note recently and included the clipping, which notes that motorists were lining up after word spread of gasoline selling for $1.99, the first time it was under $2 a gallon in a very long time.

Twenty-Five Years Ago-December 16, 1993

Broetje Orchards has been honored with a 1993 Child Care Solutions Award by the Child Care Advantages organization for outstanding service to Broetje employees in child care.

Waitsburg High School junior Angelia Schavrien, 16, of Dixie, has been selected as a member of the 1994 All State Choir. “This is a cream of the crop across the state”, Doug Sutter, a vice president of the Washington Music Educators Association said of the all-state choir of 400 members.

Fifty Years Ago- December 19, 1968

Photo caption: Waitsburg’s collective Christmas present was the demolition of an age=old eye sore in the city center. Albert Land’s crew worked with Walla Walla County personnel to knock down the two well-worn structures and make an enlarged downtown parking area. On Wednesday morning, December11, the County headache ball put the finishing touches on the old concrete filling station and garage.

Due to the trouble we had last year with youngsters tampering with the school buses when I did not have enough help to watch everyone, we are going to get up some rules to try to keep these things from happening again. Each boy or girl will have to sign a pledge that he will not bother any of the buses or any of the equipment in the bus garage as they are going or coming to or from the Gun Club Rooms and to help supervise the rest of their group in seeing that no one bothers anything while going or coming and also report anyone that they learn of writing obscene words either on the inside or outside of the bus. If any of these things happen again, there will not be any more shooting at the downtown gun club for you kids. So it will be up to each one of you to see that these things do not happen this year. James F. Bramlet

Seventy-Five Years Ago-December 24, 1943

The Home Economics girls of the high school honored their mothers at a Christmas tea last Friday afternoon at Preston Hall. Mrs. Homer Reed and Mrs. Myron Calburn presided at the table.

A large American Flag 10 x 15 feet was presented to the City of Waitsburg by the DeNova Club at the Commercial Club meeting Tuesday night.

Forth five members of the Commercial Club enjoyed a wild duck dinner Tuesday by a gift exchange.

The Plaza Theatre was over crowded Wednesday afternoon for the annual Community Christmas part. The program was varied and appealed to children of all ages.

One Hundred Years Ago-December 27, 1918

Miss Fern McCord and Mrs. Osca T. Burnet of this city, were quietly married at the home of the bride’s parents Monday afternoon, Dec. 23rd at 4 o’clock. Rev. A. F. Van Slyke, pastor of the Christian Church performing the ceremony.

James Stoneciper is home from school till next fall and Miss Grace Stonecipher is home on two weeks vacation. She is teaching school in Seattle.

Born at the farm home, Saturday, Dec. 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Teeter, a son. Weight 8 pounds.

E. H. Bradbury and Frank Callahan last week pooled together and shipped their last car load of commercial apples at a very satisfactory price.

Mr. and Mrs. Tad Kinder, of Alberta, are in Dayton for the holiday season. They will visit at the home of Kinder’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mosgrove, and at the home of Mrs. Kinder’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Spalinger.

One Hundred Twenty Five Years Ago

December 29, 1893

A very pleasant party was given at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. parker on Wednesday night.

Miss Corinne Butler spent Christmas among the good people of Spring Valley and reports a most delightful vist.

After being quarantined for a period of 14 days, R. M. Brand and family were given their liberty on Xmas day.

Several youngsters of this city had their initial drunk on Christmas night and now they put in their time hating themselves.

J. T. Miles secured the contract for carrying the mail between the post office and the depots in the city.


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