Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Pioneer Portraits

Ten Years Ago-January 8, 2009

This week two important local charities working to serve those in greatest need are getting a little help from American West Bank. Bank branches in Waitsburg and Dayton presented the Waitsburg Food Bank with a $500 donation last Monday, January 5, and will present a $500 donation to Project Timothy in Dayton later this week. Accepting the donations were Waitsburg Food Bank representatives Betty Branson, Anita Baker, and Dona Jean Smith.

Photo caption: Racing at Schweitzer recently were these members of the Bluewood Alpine Race Team: Reid Reininger, Halle White, Hayden White, Amy Farley, Gracie Sitton-Struthers, Jared Farley, Emily Koehler, Sam Ogden, Max Vandersloot, Drew Farley, Sienna Sitton-Struthers, Luke Freedle.

Twenty-Five Years Ago-December 39-1993

Essay by Michael Kiefel: A New Year approaches. And though time and the numbers we use to measure change seem flat, our memories and our hopes swell to a lively fullness in the timeless spaces of the mind. January takes its name from the Roman god Janus who has two faces-one looking forward: the other, backward. Henry Ford once said, “History is a pile of ashes,” and at another time, “History is more or less bunk.” But what Ford neglected to say was that sometimes in the smoldering heap can be found yet-glowing coals to light new fires. We can be rejuvenated from yesterday’s best moments as powerfully as we can from contemplating tomorrow’s most enticing prospects.

Dayton’s police department is moving into the city library basement on South 3rd Street as soon as the building can be renovated, probably before May, the Dayton City Council has decided. Groom said to limit the expense of the move; the chief and the men plan to do much of the necessary renovation of the library basement themselves. He said walls will have to be moved and a wheelchair ramp put in the for handicapped access.

Fifty Years Ago-January 2, 1969

A snow storm which dumped nearly 10 inches of the unusual white stuff everywhere in the area was the news story of the week. Accompanied by temperatures in the area which fell to 24 below zero, the snow which began Friday night fell most of the weekend, turning a dry, powdery top layer by Monday. The low temperatures stalled many people who were unable to start cars and trucks. Your editor, along with many other citizens of Waitsburg, does not especially mind the snow arriving all at once-we just don’t want to let it depart in the same period of time. We don’t want an instant replay of the 1964 flood.

Photo caption: The Neighbor Four were on hand at the community Christmas program for the shot by Times Photographer Charles Baker, Members of the locally-known and nationally renowned quartet are Lee Mantz, Jr, Jack McCaw, Bob Patton and Bob Sickles.

Photo caption: Jack Roberts of Waitsburg and Dave Shreck (40) of Dayton seem to be getting ready for a footrace down the floor. Standing over the pair, giving his benediction is George Bodman (31) for the Cards, Randy Halsey (51) and Dan Henze (45) view the action from the side of the key.

Seventy-Five Years Ago-Jan 7, 1944

The high school “W” Club initiated new members Tuesday night. The initiates included Melvin Dunn, Dale Ford, Bob Jacobson, Dave Jensen, Carroll Smith, Bob Wardip, Gene Wardrip, and Bob Wilson.

Jack Atkinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Atkinson has recently been chosen one of the five of his battalion to command one of the new Liberty ships.

Joe Mitchell left Tuesday for Spokane where he will receive medical treatment. He has been confined to his home for the past two weeks with the flu. The barber shop has been closed for two weeks.

One Hundred Years Ago-Jan 10, 1919

Waitsburg and vicinity have been asked to raise $1000 for the Armenian Relief,und.

T. T. Groom received a letter from his nephew, Earnest Daniel, who is in France. He stated that he had been shot through the right hand but is getting along nicely.

Attorney S. H. Cutting of Wilbur, Wash has purchased the excellent law library and office fixtures of the late Milton Picket and has located in this city for the practice of his profession.

Geo M. Lloyd of the Central Market and A. J. Woodworth of the Evergreen Confectionery, received several cars of ice this week from Powder River. The ice this year is unusually thick and as clear as crystal.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

Jan 12, 1894

Sam Wood has traded his Main Street property in this city for a ranch.

G. W. Loundagin is at Weston and Milton this week, looking after his strawberry patch.

The whole town and surrounding country was alive with sleighs, sleighbells, abd sleighers on Sunday night. The jingling and the merry voices filled the air with lovely music.

Wheat, oats, barley, hogs or poultry, wood or money taken in exchange at City Pharmacy.

There was a collision in Harrie and Eastman’s livery stable a few days ago. The collision was by E. G. Eastman’s foot, and an ugly horse’s foot, as a result of which E. G. Carried his foot in a sling for a day or two. The horse was not injured.


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