Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Waitsburg City Council Update

December 27, 2018

Council members Mayor Marty Dunn, KC Kuykendall, Kevin House, and Kate Hockersmith were present. Terry Jacoy and Jim Romine were absent.

Following a public hearing, council approved the 2019 final budget. (See story on this page.)

Danielle Carpenter provided a Parks and Recreation Board update.

Discussion on the possibility of changing the current City election process to fall in line with election laws of the state.

Passed a resolution allowing the city administrator to submit a grant application to the Washington State Military Department for an emergency generator at the wellfield.

Passed a resolution updating the City personnel policy regarding employee training. Amendments include provisions for City contributions toward the costs of training/education beneficial to the City, through written agreement, with allowance for such contributions being repaid to the City if the employee terminates employment before the amount of time determined in the agreement.

Discussed outsourcing garbage billing to Basin Disposal. Discussion tabled until January when actual financial impact to the City can be determined.

Discussion about moving City Hall from its current location to the former Jehovah’s Witness church building located next to the City Shop. Discussion tabled until January when all council members can be present and to allow for further public input.

Discussion on the future of the fairgrounds grandstands facility. Discussion pushed to March to allow the Park and Recreation Board time to formulate a plan to save the structure.

Passed a business license threshold requirement imposed by the state.

The next City Council meets the third Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. The next City Council meeting is January 16 and the public is welcome.


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