WAITSBURG – Waitsburg school counselor Rosy Nechodom wants parents to know about two opportunities for families taking place in February. Rodeo clown JJ Harrison will give a bullying prevention and intervention presentation on Feb. 6 and a Strengthening Families program will begin February 14.
JJ Harrison
While he likes nothing more than making people laugh, Ellensburg's favorite rodeo clown, JJ Harrison, has an important message to share. Harrison, who is a WSU alum and taught middle school for eight years, spends much of his down time leading anti-bullying assemblies across the country.
Harrison will share his message with Waitsburg elementary and middle school students on Wed., Feb. 6. The community is invited to attend an evening session in the Waitsburg High School auditorium at 7 p.m. that evening.
Strengthening Families
A program aimed at improving parenting skills and family relationships will begin Thurs., Feb. 14 and meet weekly through March 28. Strengthening Families is a nationally recognized curriculum, developed through Washington State University, for parents and youth ages 10-14. The program brings parents and children together in a learning environment to help strengthen families.
Nechodom wants parents to know that the program is not a parenting class, but rather an opportunity for parents and children to work together to look at how they can link arms to build a better family.
"It's not so much how to parent as guided discussion on topics such as now to manage chores, suggestion on how to discipline and setting goals for the future," Nechodom said.
Each two-hour session is divided into parts. Families start off by enjoying dinner together. Parents and youth then meet separately with facilitators to discuss a topic before coming together to discuss the same topic as a group. Participants will engage in an activity and discuss family strengths, what they are good at, and what they need to work on.
Nechodom participated in the Strengthening Families program with a team in Dayton, through Blue Mountain Counseling, and wanted to bring the positive experience to Waitsburg. She pulled together a team and facilitators from WSU provided training in August. Fellow facilitators include: Bailey Carlson, Kathy Schirm, Nechodom, Nick Swisher, and Ann Miller.
"This is a really good, fun, family communication-building program," Nechodom said.
Sessions, including dinner are free and childcare is available for children under 10 years old. Paperwork will be sent home with students or parents can contact Nechodom at Waitsburg Elementary School at 337-6461 with any questions.
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