Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Volunteers tackle a massive makeover

Dozens of volunteers replace indoor arena footing

DAYTON - Dozens of volunteers from Dayton, Waitsburg, Dixie, Starbuck and Walla Walla, many with no association to the Columbia County equine facilities, pooled resources and labor to remove the old soil and footing in the Columbia County Fairgrounds indoor arena and replace it with a professionally engineered footing. The value of the project is estimated at approximately $70,000, according to Friends of the Columbia County Fairgrounds President Julia Mead.

"This project was truly an amazing orchestration of extremely generous volunteer efforts and cooperation that shows our small-town pride and the capability to make great improvements in our fairgrounds for future generations," Mead said.

Volunteers removed 600 tons of sand and replaced it with 400 tons of new sand over the course of five days. "Dirt Doctor" Ernie Schroder donated services estimated at $15,000, while individuals, businesses, and organizations provided equipment, supplies, food and man hours. Columbia County Commissioner Chuck and his mother, Amy Amerien, provided a steak feed on Sunday and volunteers prepped food and served multiple meals over the course of the project.

Lisa Thonney, Chelsea Mann and Kelly Currin helped organized the massive undertaking. Funds were raised through grants, donations, yard sales, fundraising and memorials. The Columbia County Commissioners matched funds at 50 cents on the dollar, Mead said.

Photos chronicling the event can be found on the Friends of the Columbia County Fairgrounds Facebook page.


Organizers/Equipment Operators/Donations

Lisa Thonney, FOF Chairman

Chelsea Mann FOF Co-Chair

Kelli Currin, FOF Co-Chair

*Ernie Schrader, PE, PhD, Dirt Doctor

*Dick Moeller, Foreman

*Ryan Konen, Konen Rock Crushing/Koncrete Industries

Skip Mead, Farmer/Volunteer,Dump Truck

Charlie Mead, Farmer/Volunteer, Skid-steer

Randy James, Farmer/Volunteer, Dump Truck

Tony Currin, Rancher/Volunteer, Tractor

Greg Fullerton, County Employee, Equip.

Alan Wessels, County Employee, Equip.

*Roger Becker, Rock Hill Concrete, Loader

Jeromy Phinney, Col. Co. Fire Chief, Fire Hose

Chuck Amerein, Col Co. Commissioner, Fairgrounds

Chris Berens, Volunteer, Equip. Operator

*Dan McCauley, Sun Rental, Equipment

West Billings, Volunteer, Equipment

George Barton, Volunteer, Farm Truck

Paul Hendrickson, Volunteer, Labor


David McKinley, Farmer/Volunteer, Dump Truck

Van Seney, Farmer/Volunteer, Dump Truck

Bob and Jesse Yost, Badger Construction, Equipment


Charles Eaton, Col. Co. Engineer

Columbia County Board of Commissioners

Chuck Amerein, Comm. Fairgrounds Superintendent

Labor volunteers:

Steve Thonney

Julia Mead

Deanna Vandiver

Lizelle Russell

Sherry Watson

Adam Czapka

Steve Thonney

Paul Hendrickson

Craig Horlacher

Food Donations/Volunteers

Dayton Mercantile

Waitsburg Grocery

Moose Creek Cafe

Mickie Marll

Julie Mead

Deanna Vandiver

Candy Jones

Ruth Janes

Linda Miller

Chelsea Man

Shelley Bryand

Adriann Close

Amy Amerien

Roland Schirman

Alyssa Bailey

Marcene Hendrickson

*Asteriks denote key contributors


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