January 7, 2019 Waitsburg Elementary School Library
Members present: Doug Johnson, Jon Mishra, Kristina Brown, Stephanie Wooderchak, Jason Mings, Steve Martin, Paula Moisio, Christy House, Michelle Paul, Charlie Barron. Non-committee members present: Wendy Richards, Desirae Jones
Handbook Discussion: The Waitsburg School Board has opted not to merge the Dayton and Waitsburg handbooks. Concern was expressed about schools maintaining separate rules for kids on the same team, especially as related to grades and eligibility. The possibility of having one athletic director for the combine was suggested for consideration next year.
Transportation Update: Discussed bus caravans and meal stops. The remainder of the season games are near home so meal stops are not an issue. Wooderchak suggested that transportation details be worked out between ADs, coaches and drivers prior to next season.
Bus Schedule: Discussion on the need to confirm game times on away games as practices and game times have been delayed. Discussed importance of having contact information available for all involved parties. An attempt will be made to allow varsity players to arrive in time to watch JV games to provide team support.
Spring Sports Coach Update: High school track and field were held Jan. 10, with three applicants. The interview committee is Kristina Brown, Stephanie Wooderchak, Nicki Luper, Katie Leid, Russ Knopp, Jon Mishra, Paula Moisio. Coaching positions that need filled include: two high school assistant track and field coaches, middle school head track and field, two middle school assistant track and field, middle school assistant softball, middle school assistant baseball, middle school head baseball.
Spring Sports Facility Update: Waitsburg will host middle and high school baseball and Dayton will host middle school and high school softball, golf and middle school and high school track and field. First practice for spring sports is February 25.
Evaluation of Coaches: Procedure for coach evaluations was discussed and accepted.
Reporting: Scores are to be reported to Max Preps, WWUB, Dayton Chronicle, Waitsburg Times and Superintendent Johnson. The Max Prep site lists the girls’ basketball team as both Dayton and DW, which is causing problems with win/loss records.
The next DW Combine meeting will be held Feb. 11, 2019 at 6:45 at the Dayton High School library.
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