Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Waitsburg School Board Update

January 17, 2019

Board members received engraved leather portfolio holders from the ASB and were served punch and cookies from National Honor Society members in honor of School Board Appreciation Month.

Secondary Principal’s Report

(Stephanie Wooderchak)

-State testing will take place in April and May

-Staff has met and will form a committee to provide recommendations for student placement and class schedules at the Feb. board meeting.

-Mr. Leahy, Ms. Ball and Mrs. Wooderchak will attend a job fair in Spokane on March 13.

-Matt Elder and Bailey Carlson attending a two-day “Restorative Justice” training in Yakima on positive methods of teaching appropriate behavior and will share information during al all-staff professional development session.

-The junior class has began discussion on prom.

Athletic Director Report

(Stephanie Wooderchak)

-Winter sports have had enough participation to schedule full JV and varsity high school games as well as full JV and varsity cheer squads.

-A league tourney will be held in Granger on Feb. 1 and Feb. 2 for the top four seeds from EWAC east and EWAC west.

-The D5/D6 tourney will be held Feb. 8 and Feb. 9 at a location to be determine.

-Senior night for cheer and basketball will be held in Dayton on Tues., Jan. 29.

-Dayton will host winter sports awards. No date has been set yet.

-Spring sports practices begin Feb. 25 for high school and March 11 for middle school.

Facilities/Maintenance/Transportation Report (Colter Mohney)

-District is looking for an additional vehicle.

-Investigation into stainless steel shower dividers that can be attached to existing poles. Rough estimate is $21,000 which doesn’t include installation, which would be contracted out.

-Investigation into school access control and security cameras. A variety of options are available. Rough estimate of $37,000, which includes installation. Approved Mohney to move forward in seeking bids.

Elementary Principal’s Report (Dr. Jon Mishra)

-Jan. 18 – Kids Heart Challenge assembly and Shelter in Place drill

-Feb. 6 – JJ Harrison Rodeo Clown Assembly; evening event at 7 p.m.

-April 16-May – Testing; no events

-June 4 – “Roll Up Day” for students to roll up to next grade

-June 7 – Field Day

-Teachers will observe one another teach one time a month from Feb. to April.

-Deanna Coulston has received her National Board Certification.

Superintendent’s Report (Dr. Jon Mishra)

-Professional Development Council is meeting weekly.

-Superintendent Advisory Committee has met three times and has developed a mission statement.

-A write-up on Waitsburg’s Breakfast after the Bell program was published in the January Washington Association of School Administrators Hotline and kitchen manager Susan Wildey has received inquiries from folks who want to visit to learn more about the program.

-The next board meeting will be held Feb. 13 (rather then Feb. 14 as regularly scheduled) and will introduce the SafeSchool Reporting App.

Old business

-Enrollment is holding steady at 275 students.

-Dayton-Waitsburg combine update. Discussion centered around whether or not to merge the two school handbooks and differing philosophies regarding sports eligibility. The next combine meeting is Feb. 11 in Dayton.

-ECEAP Preschool update. Planning has begun for next year. Consideration is being given to holding a half-day program for 3-year-olds and a full-day program for 4-year-olds.

- A staff and student survey will be sent out to solicit input. Discussion on graduation requirements and student program offerings. The board expressed interest in learning more about the Manson School District trimester schedule and dual credit offerings.

New Business

-Accepted resignation of board member Russ Knopp who moved from the district. Discussed replacement process.

-Discussed superintendent hiring process.


-Approved coach hires:

Dan Nechodom, high school track coach

Allan Wilson, middle school assistant softball coach

Kayla Lewis, middle school track coach

Kelley Woither, high school assistant track coach

Nick Carpenter, middle school assistant track coach

Tracy Pearson, middle school assistant track coach

-Approved resignation of bus driver Christina Keitges


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