Toddler Story Time
10:00am to 11:00am - Every Wednesday
An interactive story time for those in the toddler years! Come sing, dance, play and learn.
Prime Time Story Time
6:00pm to 7:30pm - Every Wednesday for six weeks - First Event Feb-20
Story time, but with a special twist! Prime time is a program to encourage literacy in low income families through professional speakers and activities. Included, is a free dinner.
Game & Gab - Musical Chair Scrabble
6:00pm - February 1st
A possible monthly event where the library hosts a game night intended for adults.
Family Story Time
6:00pm to 7:00pm - February 7th
Story time with the whole family! Take the stories home along with a support item and join us afterwards for dinner!
After School Kids Valentine's Day Craft
3:00pm to 5:00pm - February 14th
Kids show some Valentine's appreciation! Join us in the children’s library, have a snack and make some themed crafts.
Book Chat
6:00ish to 8:00ish - February 16th
From your favourite genre to your favorite author, come talk about your love of books! You bring the conversation, we’ll bring the dessert.
Tuesdays at the Senior Center
10:00am to 11:30am - February 26th
Kristie visits the senior center to encourage the use of the library through fun activities, crafts and movies.
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