Republican Party Committee will nominate candidates to fill his term which expires in December, 2020
DAYTON-County Commissioner Norm Passmore has submitted his resignation from the Board of County Commissioners, effective Wednesday.
Passmore said he, and his wife, Ann, have sold their house in Dayton, and they are in the process of retiring to their home in Oceanside, Ore. where they will be closer to their son's family in Portland, and their daughter and her husband, in Seattle.
Recreational opportunities such as hiking are also calling, Passmore said.
Passmore said there are a thousand acres of sand dunes just 15 miles south of their home.
"That would appeal to us because we like ATVs," he said.
Passmore said he sold his Dayton dental practice, in 2015.
He then ran unopposed for the seat in District 1 on the BOCC in 2016, joining Mike Talbott and Merle Jackson on the Columbia County Board of Commissioners on Jan. 4, 2017.
During his campaign Passmore said if he were elected he would like for the county to hire a human resource director. He also expressed the desire for better trans-departmental communication.
While there hasn't been any money in the county budget, yet, to hire a human resource director, Passmore said, "It's something I think we still need."
He said establishing better trans-departmental communication has been taking place, and the new commissioners will have an opportunity to make that a reality.
"We're working on it," Passmore said. "I think it's a continuing process."
Passmore pointed out how happy he was to be a part of the process to hire Charles Eaton, the county's new engineer.
He also talked about the positive steps that have occurred since the public reaction to the commissioners' intention to raise fees for facility use at the county fairgrounds.
He said the formation of the Friends of the Fairgrounds and their efforts to improve the facilities has been a gain for the community.
"It's really increased community involvement at the community level," said Passmore.
Passmore has devoted much of his time and energy in numerous ways, to benefit the community.
He has served on the Touchet Valley Arts Council Board and on the City of Dayton Chamber of Commerce Board, and he has been a past president of both boards.
While he has tendered his resignation from the Blue Mountain Action Council Board, Passmore said he will finish his term on the Blue Mountain Community Foundation Board.
In addition, the Passmores have bought and remodeled seven downtown buildings during their twenty years in Dayton.
"We feel good about leaving that to the community," Passmore said.
"We're kinda sad to leave, but on the other hand we were planning to make this transition at the end of my term, and the opportunity came up for us to sell our house and property. And sometimes life happens not according to your timeframe," he said.
He said they will continue to visit his mother in Waitsburg, his sister in Walla Walla, and their many friends in the community.
Passmore's four-year term expires on Dec. 31, 2020 and it will be up the local Republican Party Committee to fill the vacancy, he said.
On Feb. 4 the Board of County Commissioners will notify the local Republican Party Committee of the vacancy.
That committee will have sixty days to identify three people living in District 1, who are interested in the position.
If all goes well, one of the applicants will be appointed by commissioners Mike Talbott and Chuck Amerein.
If the process stalls within the sixty days allotted, Governor Jay Inslee will be notified and his office will appoint someone to fill the position.
Passmore said there will be an opportunity toward the end of the process for comment from the local community.
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