DAYTON – The Dayton Historic Preservation Commission is comprised of five to seven members who hear and make recommendations concerning historic preservation design criterion, review applications for improvements within historic districts, and more. Members serve on a volunteer basis and must reside within the Dayton city limits. Terms are for three years, with the first meeting for this seat being April 24th, 2019.
The Dayton Historic Preservation Commission meets on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 6 pm in the Planning and Building Office at 114 South 2nd Street. If you are interested in supporting your community by serving on the Preservation Commission, please submit a letter of interest with contact information for review.
Letters shall be submitted to: Meagan Bailey; Planning Director, 114 South 2nd Street, Dayton, Washington 99328. Letters may also be submitted via email to Please submit your letter of interest by March 6th, 2019.
Please call 509-382-4676 with any questions or comments.
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