Ten Years Ago
February 19, 2009
Waitsburg native Susan (Lawrence) Talbott and her family, on an airline flight recently espied familiar surroundings in the February 2009 edition of the Alaska Airline Magazine. Yep, there on page 25 was a brief tidbit about an exhibit at the Washington State History Museum that compares Washington state’s past with the present-and it captured the well-known1909 horse show photo from Waitsburg’s Main Street and the 2005 shot of townspeople on about the same spot nearly 100 years later.
Photo caption: Winners of the Walla Walla VFW/VRW Ladies Auxiliary Youth Essay Porgram include: back row, (l to r): Margaret Potolicchio (5th), Jaidyn Brown (5th): middle row, (l to r): Morgan Breland (5th), Emily Adams (4th), Jade Alleman (4th): and front row: Cade Branson (3rd), Robert Walsh (3rd), and Gillian Johnson (3rd)
Twenty Five Years Ago
February 10, 1994
Dan and Ginny Butler will be attend a ceremony at the Davenport Hotel in Spokane Saturday to accept an award for restoring the Guernesy-Sturdevant Building The Butlers of Waitsburg and Ginny Butler’s brother, Craig Martin of Dayton, will be presented with one of four awards for 1993 by Steve Thomas, host of Public Television “This Old House” series. Martin did most of the construction on the restoration. The historic Guernesy-Sturdevant Building is on Main Street in Dayton.
Green Giant Way, a charitable organization run by employees of Green Giant Co in Dayton, is accepting application from groups seeking money this year from the charity. In 1993, Green Giant Way distributed $18,723 which was raised from employees’ contributions and a company-match from the Grand Metropolitan Food Sector Foundation. Grand Met owns Green Giant.
Fifty Years Ago
February 13, 1969
Photo caption: General chairmen of the old-fashioned PTA carnival to be held Friday in Prescott hold some of the stuffed animals which will be used for prizes in the event which will feature some 20 different activities. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McCullock and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Muzzy are in the back row, while Cameron Mussy holds a tiger for the Times camera. All of the stuffed animals were made by Mrs. McCulloch.
Photo caption: Boy Scout Sunday was celebrated this week with the awarding of the “God and Country” award to Charles Baker of Waitsburg. Leaders of Troop 336, Roy Leid and Ernest Kison look on while Rev. Robert P. Rogers, Jr., presents the medal. Other scouts who took part in the ceremonies are John Nordheim, and Martin Huffman and Rob Danforth . Cub Scouts who were dressed for the Scout Sunday were David Danforth and Mark Lied. Lewis Neace and Ed Clark are the only two other local scouts who have received this award in recent years.
The Association to Preserve Our Rights to Keep and Bear Arms Meeting (APORKBA) will be held on Thursday, February 13,at 8:00 pm at he VFW Hall in Walla Walla.
Seventy-Five Years Ago
February 18, 1944
A total of $138,000 was subscribed by this community to the 4th war loan, according to J. E. Butler, chairman. The estimate figure for Waitsburg was $145,000.
Mrs. C. W. Wheeler, mother of the late Emerson Wheeler, passed away Sunday morning Feb 13 at a nursing home in Seattle. The body was shipped here Tuesday for services.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Gohlman recently purchased the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Wilson on West Fifth Street.
Barbara Cockburn, eight grade student at Central school this week sold her Shetland pony and with the proceeds plus additional war savings stamps, bought her extra $100 war bond from the Postmaster Cleve Houtcher.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lawrence are the parents of a daughter born Feb 14.
One Hundred Years Ago
February 21, 1919
The Prescott Spectator announces that J. S. Arnold has been appointed supervisor of Road District No. 4
Bridging of the Snake River between Burbank and Pasco was decided on Monday by unanimous vote of the Board of Commissioners of Walla Walla and Franklin Counties.
The “Tillicums” and a few friends entertained last Friday evening at the country home of Mr. and Mrs. T. V. McKinney. The occasion being the second anniversary of the host and hostess.
John Kanz this week finished the cement floor in the Henry Conover Auto Livery and as soon as it hardens a little more, Mr. Conover will be already for business.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago
February 2, 1894
A gentle blizzard last Monday.
D. C. Guernsey and C. J. Broughton, two of the best men in the State of Washington were in the city from Dayton last week.
Our excellent citizen, Joe Wood seems to be providentially favored during these hard times. In his family are nine children and recently a kind neighbor drove into his corral a fresh milk cow which on examination he found had nine teats.
Simmons Liver Regulator never fails to relieve the worst attack of indigestion.
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