WAITSBURG – The Waitsburg School Board voted unanimously to appoint Randy Hinchliffe as a new school board member at their Feb. 13 regular meeting. Hinchliffe will replace Russ Knopp who moved from the district and is no longer eligible to serve.
The position was an at-large position and open to any candidate residing in the Waitsburg School District. Hinchcliffe will fulfill Knopp's term which expires Dec. 2019.
"I decided to apply because I want to help out the school and the community where I can and thought I could be a good addition to the school board," Hinchliffe told The Times.
Hinchliffe, who is also the Waitsburg City Clerk, has two children in Waitsburg schools and his wife, Stephanie, teaches in the elementary school. He was the sole applicant for the vacancy.
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