Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Waitsburg School Board Update

February 13, 2019

Secondary Principal Report (Mrs. Wooderchak)

-Bluewood Ski days for Preston Hall and WHS are being organized.

-A Running Start information night will take place at WHS on Mon., March 4 at 6 p.m.

-The junior class and Dayton ASB are working together on a combined prom to take place at the Dayton Fairgrounds on April 20.

-WHS will travel to the state Knowledge Bowl competition in Yakima on March 23.

-Mr. Leahy, Ms. Ball and Mrs. Wooderchak will travel to Spokane to attend a job fair on March 13 in hopes of encouraging educators to explore Waitsburg School District as a place of employment.

Athletic Director Report (Mrs. Wooderchak)

-High school basketball is complete.

-Spring sports practices begin Feb. 25

-The Feb. 11 combine advisory meeting has been postponed due to weather.

Facilities/Maintenance/Transportation Report (Colter Mohney)

-Roof leaks associated with the newly installed HVAC units have been discovered and Preston Hall classrooms are not keeping to temps. Mohney will work to see that post-construction updates are complete.

-The gym roof has exceeded its life and is in need of replacement. The district is seeking multiple bids.

-Mohney is preparing a request for proposal for alarm pads and security cameras.

-The district has a shortage of bus drivers and discussed options for recruitment, including signing bonuses, paying for training and/or pairing with a para-pro position.

-Mohney is investigating a supervisor vehicle purchase.

Elementary Principal Report (Jon Mishra)

-Students have participated in a Tears of Joy assembly, Heart Challenge, JJ Harrison bullying assembly and the 5th grade has started the ski program.

-First round peer (teacher) observations have begun.

Superintendent Report (Jon Mishra)

-A new district web page and app are set to roll out in March.

-Discussed WASA Hold Harmless provisions

-Discussed potential impacts of McCleary levy cliff

Old Business

-Enrollment: Enrollment dropped from 275 in January to 272 in February

-Discussed possibility of Prescott offering ECEAP pre-school on its own next year. The district is working with ESD 123 to determine impact. Currently, ECEAP class has five Waitsburg students, 13 Prescott students, one Dixie student and one Dayton student.

-Discussed high school 2019-20 schedule and program offerings. Board requested that Wooderchak return to the next meeting with a modified block schedule that would allow for more electives.

-Discussed the superintendent hiring process. (See Page 7).

New Business

-The free Safe Schools Reporting System is being tested and will be ready to go live in the near future.

-Accepted resignation of Food Service Assistant Bitsy Vawter

Executive Session followed by appointment of Randy Hinchliffe to school board seat vacated by Russ Knopp. (See story on Page 1)


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