Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Pioneer Portraits

Ten Years Ago

March 5, 2009

Anyone looking to get away won’t want to miss the 2009 edition of the Liberty’s annual variety show, “Passport to Paradise”

Thirteen Waitsburg High School students are inaugurating a Youth and Government Program and are holding a fundraiser to earn their way to the state competition in Olympia come May .The thirteen students include Kourtney Foley, Matt Leid, Ben Kiefel, Allie Wooderchak, John Hockersmith, Ellie Bartlow, Philip Kock, Amber Morris, Christy Poirier, Nick Carpenter, David Smith and Fletcher Baker. Kathy Carpenter will also be coming as a chaperone.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

February 24, 1994

The Theme for this year’s national FFA Week, Feb 19-26, is” FFA-Leadership For America” Photo Caption: Members of the FFA at Waitsburg High School gather for a portrait. They are, front row, from left: Heather Ferguson, Angie Daniels, Rachel Halley, Kathy Standfill: second row, from left: Cori Kenney, Ellis Erickson, Andrea Jacoy, Diane Conover, Lindsay Middleton, Jeromie Leroue, Ryan Jacoy, adviser, Scott Branson: third row, from left. Jon Bickelhaupt, Stacy Thomas, Kyle Richardson, Jocelyn Leid, Colter Mohney, Rebecca Stokes, Jami Henderickson, Melissa Davis, Cindy Daves, Aaron Trent: fourth row, from left: Jenny Maners, Josh Largent, George VanHorn, Todd Hawkins, Scott Flanigan, Jonathan Abbey, Lucas Mohney, Bryan Schollenberger, Kaylyn Trent, Tom Duckworth, and last row, from left: Eric Wyatt, Sean Mathews, Greg Reser, Josh Maners, Amy Schollengberger, Alixis Sidorak, J. C Picton, Nathaniel Abel, Del Benson, Mike Zaharevich, Photo courtesy of Orval Hagerman

Fifty Years Ago

February 27, 1969

The Waitsburg Lions Club and the Waitsburg Commercial Club met jointly Tuesday, to view a film by Jack Huntington entitled “Helping Walla Walla Grow” The movie, which covers the agri-business contribution to the economy of the Walla Walla Valley, was originated and financed by Jack Huntington. The filming was done by Bill Lilley of Walla Walla, and a professional movie finisher helped Jack with the music and final editing.

Photo Caption: The Days of Real Sport board met at Ginny’s Grill last Tuesday and posed for the Times lens with Kathy Armstrong (who incidentally is not a member of the board). Left to right, Herman Gohlman, Bill Payne, Bill Zuger, King Witt and Jack Griffen. Not present for the meeting was board member Joe McCown.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

March 3, 1944

For the untiring, faithful efforts of the high school band organization, the director, Cal Malone, is going to show his appreciation by honoring the group with a dance on Friday, March 10.

The new plastic ration tokens went into circulation Feb 27. The red tokens are for processed foods, each being valued at one point

The first meet of the reorganization troop 36 of the Boy Scouts was held Thursday evening in the high school building. The troop has not been active for the past year but is being revived.

The mountain snow pack through out the greater part of the Columbia Basin is alarmingly deficient, although reservoir storage on regulated streams insures water deliveries of ½ to ¾ of average according to the Soil Conservation Service.

One Hundred Years Ago

March 7, 1919

The Tri-County Farmers’ Union held an interesting meeting at Walla Walla Saturday. Walter E. price of Waitsburg will head the union.

County Auditor, J. F. Clancy of Columbia County announces that until further notice a bounty of five cents will be paid by the county on all red and gey squirrels killed in Columbia County. All that is necessary is to tek the tail of the squirrel instead of the scalp to the County Auditors office and the bounty will be paid.

Louse Ramseur, one of the first team of basketball girls had the misfortune to break her arm roller skating, thus crippling the team as well as herself.

It is reported on fairly good authority that the Standard Oil Co. will put in a station in the city, from where they will not only distribute their oil and gasolines in the city but to surrounding towns. It is said that the tanks will be located on the Northern Pacific tracks.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

March 9, 1894

The school district this week received a car load of wood from Dayton costing laid down at the school house, $4.70 a cord.

County, State and School warrants taken at par, at Schwabacher Company’s store Walla Walla-half cash, half trade.

To an outsider, it looks strange to see a church taking up a collection for “foreign Missions” when that same church can’t even raise funds to pay a preacher for tis own congregation.

C. W. Wheeler will put in a telephone line connecting his house and his office. This he will do as soon as the weather will permit and thus will furnish some work to the unemployed. There will be poles to be got out and put up, the wire to stretch, etc.


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