Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Waitsburg City Council Update

March 20, 2019

K.C. Kuykendall, Kevin House, Terry Jacoy, Jim Romine and Mayor Marty Dunn were present. Kate Hockersmith was absent.

Public Comment

-Walla Walla Conservation District Manager Renee Hadley said that a leadership group for the Touchet Valley will kick off with an event in Prescott on June 8.

-Karen Gregutt thanked the City for support of Waitsburg Cottages over the last 11 years.

-Joy Smith made available the Commercial Club’s annual program of work. Effective April 1, vendors will be able to share pop-up business space at Town Hall. The first event will be April 6.

-Pam Chapman said no meeting has been set up to gain resolution regarding a bill for sewer line installation by the City. Mayor Dunn asked City Administrator Randy Hinchliffe and Public Works Director Jim Lynch to set a date and time.

New Business

-Taggart Road Presentation: Anderson Perry & Associated Engineer Adam Schmitgall gave a brief update and was on hand to answer questions regarding the Taggart Road Project. Work on the project will be postponed until fall to allow the ground to dry.

-Council unanimously approved the purchase of a used Vactor truck to clean sewer lines, from a dealer in Yakima, at a cost of $24,500. The dealer is also asking $28,500 for a small dump truck. Council approved spending up to $40,000, if both trucks could be purchased for that amount, total. The City will borrow funds for a period not to exceed three years, to purchase one or both pieces of equipment.

-A discussion on City Hall renovations was tabled.

-Council unanimously approved releasing the retainage on the Main Street Bridge as soon as the City receives Labor & Industries approval.

Unfinished Business

-Discussion regarding potential changes to the City of Waitsburg election process.

Council Reports

-Jim Romine provided an update on emergency management activities.

-KC Kuykendall provided an update on budgeting in Olympia and said it looks like the Public Works Trust Fund (PWTF)may be stripped again. The governor is pitching a broadband bill which would be partially funded from the PWTF.


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