March 20, 2019
K.C. Kuykendall, Kevin House, Terry Jacoy, Jim Romine and Mayor Marty Dunn were present. Kate Hockersmith was absent.
Public Comment
-Walla Walla Conservation District Manager Renee Hadley said that a leadership group for the Touchet Valley will kick off with an event in Prescott on June 8.
-Karen Gregutt thanked the City for support of Waitsburg Cottages over the last 11 years.
-Joy Smith made available the Commercial Club’s annual program of work. Effective April 1, vendors will be able to share pop-up business space at Town Hall. The first event will be April 6.
-Pam Chapman said no meeting has been set up to gain resolution regarding a bill for sewer line installation by the City. Mayor Dunn asked City Administrator Randy Hinchliffe and Public Works Director Jim Lynch to set a date and time.
New Business
-Taggart Road Presentation: Anderson Perry & Associated Engineer Adam Schmitgall gave a brief update and was on hand to answer questions regarding the Taggart Road Project. Work on the project will be postponed until fall to allow the ground to dry.
-Council unanimously approved the purchase of a used Vactor truck to clean sewer lines, from a dealer in Yakima, at a cost of $24,500. The dealer is also asking $28,500 for a small dump truck. Council approved spending up to $40,000, if both trucks could be purchased for that amount, total. The City will borrow funds for a period not to exceed three years, to purchase one or both pieces of equipment.
-A discussion on City Hall renovations was tabled.
-Council unanimously approved releasing the retainage on the Main Street Bridge as soon as the City receives Labor & Industries approval.
Unfinished Business
-Discussion regarding potential changes to the City of Waitsburg election process.
Council Reports
-Jim Romine provided an update on emergency management activities.
-KC Kuykendall provided an update on budgeting in Olympia and said it looks like the Public Works Trust Fund (PWTF)may be stripped again. The governor is pitching a broadband bill which would be partially funded from the PWTF.
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