Waitsburg Lions Club Update
By Jesse Smit
Waitsburg Lions Club had their annual Kids Night on March 12th. It is a special meeting that allows members to bring kids, grandkids and/or related family members to the meeting to learn more about Lions Club. Along with a great dinner, games and prizes. Our total turnout was 23 kids.
The Annual Rib Feed is scheduled for May 4th. It runs from 6-8pm at the Don Thomas building at the Fairgrounds. Tickets are 30 dollars each and can be purchased at Waitsburg Grocery.
Our next meeting is April 9. The Lions meet every 2nd and 4th Tuesday from September until May.
Columbia County Corrals 4-H Club
Monthly Meeting Minutes 3/13/2019
By Secretary Jessie Atteberry
Meeting called to order at 6:30 pm.
Old Business
More demonstrations were done this month:
Jr. Magill-Katsel “Liquid Gold: Colostrum”
Ros Magill-Katsel “Get the Job Done: Grooming Tools”
Jessie Atteberry “Bovine Diseases”
Elsie Mann “Cuts of Beef”
Demonstrations will be done at the fair and judged.
New Business
The Dayton FFA group gave a presentation on the debate about the brand inspection program.
Weigh-In for the Columbia County Fair is March 29th starting at 3:00.
Weigh-In for the Walla Walla Fair is March 30th.
The group was invited to the Jimmy Durante fundraiser on March 16th at the Eagles. Half of the funds raised will go into the 4-H endowment fund.
Meeting adjourned at 7:35 pm. Minutes submitted by Jessie Atteberry, Secretary
This year is the 40th anniversary of the Columbia County Corrals 4-H club. If you have been a member of the Columbia County Corrals over the last 40 years, please contact our advisor, Val Turner at 509-520-7179 or rlazyt81@gmail.com.
Waitsburg Garden Club
By Susan Donegan
Karen Stanton-Gregutt shared with the group how the Daisy came to be Waitsburg’s city flower – appointed thus by the late Bettie Chase, a noted Waitsburg history lover and gardener. Bettie’s research found that no other city across the country honored the daisy and by doing so, we would continue to be “Waitsburg, One of a Kind”.
Heartfelt appreciation goes out to our new neighbors Sue and Tom Tarver for fall clean-up of the Main Street pots at the end of 2018! The Garden Club agreed to replant the pots on Sunday, April 28th, weather permitting, and meeting attendees offered up suggestions as to what flowers and other plant material would be suitable to beautify our downtown.
Seed catalogues were upcycled and Kate Hockersmith and Ali Fitzgerald brought seeds from their gardens to share with the group.
Karen has offered to research historic roses that could have been immigrated to Waitsburg with our first settlers, which may be developed into a memorial rose garden on a corner of the Bruce House Museum complex.
Other garden-related ideas were bandied about, partly with regards to fundraising opportunities for various town non-profit organizations: Iris and/or flower festival and sale; Waitsburg Gardens Tour; sale of Waitsburg custom seed packets, among others. Many great suggestions worthy of further discussion with someone to lead the charge.
Next month’s meeting: April 28th, 9 a.m. Gather at Ten Ton Coffee before heading out to plant-out the Main Street pots. Plants will be provided; bring your hand tools, gloves and watering can. Please join us!
To learn more about the Waitsburg Garden Club, contact Susan Donegan at sadonegan52@gmail.com.
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