Ten Years Ago
April 2, 2009
Photo caption: Freshman Ronnie Hulce won the 100 High Hurdles to a second place finish and later won the 300 intermediate Hurdles in addition to winning the high jump and carrying the baton in the 4X200 Relay.
“We crossed the prairies, as of old, the Pilgrims crossed the sea. To make the West, as they the East, the homestead of the Free” is one of the quotes in the yearbook of the Daughters of the Pioneers of Washington yearbook. A group of Dayton women are seeking to reform a Dayton chapter of the Daughters of the Pioneers of Washington. Members of the chapter in the ‘80s included women with the last name of: Ault, McCauley, Beckman, Booker, Bowman, Brito, Brockman, Clark, Cline, Corner, Cranor, Crawford, Cross, Dost, and Patrick Dost were all members of closed Chapter No. 13 Dayton Daughters of the Pioneers of Washington.
Twenty-Five Years Ago
March 24, 1994
Photo caption: In the photo at left, junior English class students, from left, Jenny Ryckman, Todd Hawkins, Greg Reser, Jim Pearson and Rhionna Smith display poster to advertise a children’s book the group authored as a class assignment. In photo at top right, Jack Williams, far right, and classmates Diane Conover, Josh Moulton, Cori Kenney and Jeremy Riggs work on design of their poster. In photo at bottom right are juniors Amy Shollenberger, left, Jennifer Lowe, Steven Stacy, Robert Hinchliffe, Angella Schavrien and Kim Trent.
More than 100 students from grades fourth through eight from a dozen area schools competed at the Bi-State League written spelling contest March 10 in Dayton. “Knowing that careful spelling and a good vocabulary are important to every child and the research suggest that written spelling is a more effective educational tool than oral.” Ribbons for first went to: Brandon Bergland, Pomeroy, Kara Hudson, Dayton, Anne Luce, Dayton, Kelly McCaw, Waitsburg, and Lisa Voth, Dayton. Second place goes to: Lindsay Dorman, Touchet: Johnathan Thorn, Dayton, Mary Reeves, Dayton, Wes Harris, Dayton, and Winter McLeod, Dayton. Third Place goes to: Naomi Latham, Star, Rachel Des Jardin, Pomeroy, Tyson Robertson, Milton-Freewater, Nick Jordan, Milton-Freewater, and Heidi Fryer, Milton Freewater.
Fifty Years Ago
March 27, 1969
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Penner Rt 2, Dayton, Wash, have been named Columbia County Cattleman of the Year Family for 1969 according to selection committee Chairman, Joe McCown. The selection of Penners is again another story of how livestock can fit on a Columbia County wheat ranch. The committee also noted that the community leadership that the Penners have given to the entire county. Serving on the committee were Bob Butler, Duane Scott, Cecil Sharpe, Kenneth Krouse, Art Sunderland, and Albert Laib.
Photo caption: Carol Shively patiently sits out her jail sentence in the PTA lockup at the Carnival last Saturday night. A popular avocation was to pay a “buck” and get someone locked up for 5 or 10 minutes. Many youngsters enjoyed sending a parent or teacher to jail. Carol was released one minute early for good behavior.
Seventy-Five Years Ago
March 31, 1944
Glen Bayne, manager of the Preston-Shafer Milling Company’s Pendleton mill for the past five years, has been moved to the firm’s general offices in Walla Walla as a member of the executive staff, it was announced recently by company officials.
Future Boy Scouts will be awarded the Tenderfoot badge next Tuesday evening. Cecil Weber has been named senior patrol leader with Lynn Parson, scribe.
Mrs. Paul Hofer entertained at a supper in honor of Glen’s birthday Friday evening. Guests were members of the boy’s high school quarter.
One Hundred Years Ago
April 4, 1919
Most of the creekers (Coppei) went down to hear the Red Cross program given at the Lower Coppei School last Friday evening, after which they tripped the light fantastic until the wee hours of the morning
Considerable work is being done at Preston park just now. Some leveling and seeding has been done, and a number of trees set out where new trees were needed. A roadway is to be built into the grounds from Preston Avenue, and the automobile camping grounds will be put in shape.
The Cash Bazaar, has exclusive agency for Waitsburg and vicinity for the Franco-American toilet goods which include complexion powder requisites, soaps, hair requisites, manicure and teeth requisites, etc. Mrs. smith Hoops, Prop.
One Hundred Twenty -Five Years Ago
April 6, 1894
R. H. Vandecar will this Spring plant 10 acres to hops. He has also gone into the cheese business on a small scale.
The wood thieves continue to ply their vacation in different parts fo the city. The latest raid was made at J. Caldwell’s where liberal appropriation was made.
The Union pacific announces a rate from Waitsburg to San Francisco and return, good for 30 days at $42.60 all the way by railroad or $37.10 by rail to Portland and thence by steamer. The ticket by steamer includes meals, rooms, the all-rail tickets include five admisslion to the Midwinter Fair.
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