Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Waitsburg School District Board Meeting Update March 21, 2019

Board members present: Ross Hamann, Christy House, Randy Hinchliffe, Jason Kaehler, Lisa Morrow

Presentation (Pam Beasley)

Beasley gave a presentation on the WaKIDS program and Waitsburg results. (See story at right)

Secondary Principal Report (Stephanie Wooderchak)

District staff has been participating in “staff dares” which are dares from the Character Strong curriculum. Response has been positive.

SBAC testing will take place April 15-May 21

WHS Knowledge Bowl traveled to state competition in Yakima on March 23.

Athletic Director Report (Stephanie Wooderchak)

Spring sports numbers:

High school softball – 9 Dayton, 9 Waitsburg

High school baseball – 8 Dayton, 3 Waitsburg

High school track & field – Dayton: 8 boys/9 girls, Waitsburg: 1 boy/3 girls

High school golf – 6 Dayton, 2 Waitsburg

Middle school softball – 8 Dayton, 8 Waitsburg

Middle school baseball – 10 Dayton, 5 Waitsburg

Middle school track & field – TBA

Facilities/Maintenance/Transportation (Colter Mohney)

Transportation was arranged to provide transportation for sports practices during spring break

The 25% bus inspection went well; 100% inspection will be on May 6

The Request for Proposal for access control upgrades is finished and will be advertised

Several roof leaks are being addressed

Work is ongoing on the athletic fields

Arrangements for the Mat Birds tournament have been ironed out

The board supported the use of astroturf to make the softball field into a baseball field. Approximate cost to the district will be $1,400.

Elementary Principal Report (Dr. Jon Mishra)

Elementary students celebrated Dr. Suess Day

5th graders participated in the Ski Program at Ski Bluewood

DARE graduation was March 6

2nd and 3rd grade students received a Kid’s Heart Challenge pizza party

An administrator and teacher from Waterville, visited the elementary school on March 1. They discussed and observed Professional Learning Communities, intervention, collaborative work, peer observation and the use of School Improvement Funds to invest in job-embedded professional development.

Dr. Mishra got “mummified” as a reward for top earners in the Kids Heart Challenge

The elementary school talent show is April 17

SBAC testing for grades 3-5 begins in April

Certificated staff evaluation took place on Mar. 6

Peer observations continued

Superintendent Report (Dr. Jon Mishra)

The new District website and app rolled out on March 8

The SafeSchool Reporting App rolled out on March 1

The Professional Development Committee is focusing on vision and mission statements

Superintendent Advisory Committee is continuing to work on an action plan

The District is still waiting to hear from the state about funding. Most likely scenarios involve belt-tightening. District will need to evaluate budget, staffing and programming moving forward.

Old Business

Enrollment Update – Enrollment is 271 with a full-time equivalent of 261.6 students. This is down approximately 10 students from September.

Combine Update

ECEAP and Preschool Update – The ECEAP program will most likely move to Prescott as only five of the 20 students are from Waitsburg and Waitsburg has a free levy-approved preschool program.

Discussion on high school graduation requirements and program offerings

The Board unanimously approved the District mission statement update. The mission statement is: “We prepare lifelong learners academically, socially, and emotionally.”

Superintendent Hiring Process – The board will review applications on April 8 to select interview finalists.

New Business

Lisa Morrow will present diplomas at WHS graduation on May 31 at 8 p.m. in the gymnasium.

Discussion on a potential reduction in force (See story on Page 1)

Staff Appreciation Luncheon is May 3, 2019

Board approved a 2019-2020 school calendar with two snow days

Board voted unanimously not to approve refunds for six missed preschool snow days

Approved District office closure during spring break, April 1-5

Appointed Duke Morrow as middle school assistant baseball coach.

Appointed Justin Gleason as District-wide Food Service Assistant


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