Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Dayton School Board Summary

April 17, 2018

Good News in Dayton Schools

Seven high school students attended the state Future Business Leaders of America convention.

FFA teams continue to compete and prepare for State Conference.

Some high school students recently provided daycare for a fundraiser sponsored by the VFW.

Consent Agenda

Dan & Ginny Butler donated $200 for band uniforms and Becky Wood donated $500 for band uniforms

Jami Jo Trump is the new Camp Wooten Coordinator

Duke Morrow is middle school assistant baseball coach; Jesse Mings is volunteer middle school baseball coach

Bus driver Nathan Meyer and Cook Becky Kessinger tendered resignations effective the end of the school year

ASB Report

FFA, FBLA and ASB have been busy with contests and celebrations. Prom and Spirit Week have been enthusiastic. A blood drive is coming up. Candidates for next year’s ASB leadership positions are signed up. Some students provided daycare for the VFW Spring Bingo.

Administrator Reports

Principal Smith updated on kindergarten registration, third quarter report cards and the book fair.

Principal Brown said Yamate students are currently visiting and are all very busy. She recently reviewed the results of the Healthy Youth Survey with Columbia County Health Dept. and the Columbia Cares organization.

Legislative Report (Kate Leid)

Chairperson Leid provided a Policy Brief summary comparing the operating budgets as proposed by the House of Rep. and the Senate. None of the school safety bills providing additional funding for counselors, nurses, and social workers will make it to the Governor’s desk. Currently, it looks like there is no relief in sight for adding additional dollars to the Dayton General Fund.

Superintendent’s Report (Doug Johnson)

Day Estate Report - The District recently hosted representatives from the hospital, trust advisors from US Bank, and Clay and Rachel Hutchens Day Estate farmers for a luncheon to celebrate the farm and proceeds from last year. Two checks totaling $83,000 were given to the District from the sale of wheat, peas, and beans. Thank you to the Hutchens for their stewardship and dedication.

Grants – Superintendent Johnson collaborated with Columbia County Health Department for a grant to support Mental Health education for Dayton students. The funds are available through the Blue Mountain Community Foundation. Notification to happen by the end of April.

Combine – The DW Combine committee continues to meet and seek to assist the Districts in building a strong athletic combine. Topics at the last meeting included minimum participation numbers for spring sports, hiring a single athletic director for both districts, hiring a full time bus driver to handle practice shuttle bus runs, review of fall coaching positions and practice/game starts and travel bus stop equities.

Education Program Review – Reviewed the following topics as related to the Financial Emergency and potential budget reductions: state allocations for personnel vs. local staff plans, local levy collection and state apportionment, legislative actions, student enrollment, elementary class sizes and assignment, secondary course list and enrollment, collective bargaining agreement language, policy and state law.


Paula Moisio provided a budget status update

Executive session with legal counsel regarding potential litigation. No action to follow.

The Board will hold a work session on May 1 from 6-8 p.m. at the District Boardroom. The next regular school board meeting is May 15 from 6-8 p.m.


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