Ten Years Ago
April 30, 2009
Des Witt, a long-time volunteer at the Days of Real Sport horse races, will be the 2009 DRS Parade Marshal. For about 20 years, Witt has served as timer, backing up the automatic system with a stop watch to precisely measure the time from when the gates open until the first nose crosses the finish line in each race.
The former American Legion Samuel W. Southard Post No. 35 got a new look last weekend. On April 25, a 44 ½ foot United State flag, with black replacing the blue field of stars and red stripes, was painted across the front of the building owned by Charles Smith, self proclaimed “American contemporary artist” and Walla Walla winemaker. Smith conceive the idea to honor the military “past, present, and future.” Including his father, Robert Smith who was among members of the U. S. military involved in D-Day during World War II.
Twenty-Five Years Ago
April 21 1994
Car buffs will have a lot to gawk at next month in Dayton. Dave White, of Gasoline Alley restaurant on Main Street, says perhaps 225 cars will attend the second annual Burger Cruise at the restaurant on Sunday May 15. There could be as many as 300 cars parked at the restaurant and nearby, along Main Street that day. Last year at the first Burger Cruise, about 140 cars showed up.
Nearly 100 members and guests of the American Legion and American Legion Auxiliary gathered in Waitsburg Saturday, April 16, for the 12 District conference of organizations. It was the first time in almost two decades that the annual conference was held in Waitsburg according to B. A. Keve, of the auxiliary in Waitsburg, American Legion Post 35. Activities began about noon at Ye Towne Hall, where the group was welcomed to town by mayor protem Bill Thompson, Legion Adjutant Walt Harris, and Auxiliary President Karen Mohney.
Fifty Years Ago
April 24, 1969
Jim Leid, outstanding Wait-Hi athlete in three major sports, last week signed with the University of Montana for a football scholarship. Terms of the agreement include tuition and fees, room and board plus other incidental expenses under the Athletic Work Program
Miss Tracey Books Harper this week’s DRS Queen candidate, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Harper, who live and farm in Whoop Em Up Hollow, north of Waitsburg. Tracy is a 17 year old junior at Waitsburg High School.
Miss Patricia Estes and Louis Gagnon were crowned king and queen at the annual Junior Prom held Saturday night on the play deck of the gym. “Gone with the Wind” was used as the theme for the gala affair with the ceiling done in shades of blue. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Donnelly were sponsors for the evening with the class advisor Mr. Kenneth Beasley and Mrs. Beasley. Music was furnished by a group from Lewiston.
Seventy-Five Years Ago
April 21, 1944
Thos. J. Eller of Pasco, a farmer resident of Waitsburg, was appointed night watchman for the city at the council meeting Wednesday evening.
Twelve children who will enter school next fall were examined by the pre-school clinic held Tuesday morning at the high school.
J. W. Carson, agriculture instructor, has asked the PTA to sponsor a victory garden program among the school children, which they have agreed to do.
The Sorotus Club lending library needs a location for their books. Mrs. Melinda Steward, who has been handling the books in the balcony of Packer’s Store, is going to work at the cannery and will be unable to take care of them.
One Hundred Years Ago
April 18, 1919
J. L. Keiser reports the loss of his bicycle one night last week. The wheel was left leaning up against a tree in the front yard and the next morning it was gone. This is the first time a wheel has been stolen in this city for some years.
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Pettyjohn of the South Touchet District were in town a few hours last Thursday, driving their new Chevrolet touring car.
Episcopal church services on the fourth Sunday in April will consist of the Holy Communion and sermon by Rev John Leacher on some topic appropriate to the Easter season
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago
April 20, 1894
L. J. Shell last Friday caught fifteen coyotes in one hole on Atwood place. And it wasn’t a good day for coyotes either-too wet.
The Waitsburg Hardwre Co last Monday traded their stock of goods to R. M. Breeze for his fine 440 acre ranch. The goods are being invoiced this week and the parties at the interest will probably exchange places next Monday.
A very pleasant surprise party was given J. W. Bruce and W. H. Fletcher at the residence of the former Saturday evening. It was a “Relic Party” and was given by the sisters of the M. E. Church as an evidence of appreciation of services rendered the church by these gentlemen.
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