Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Dayton School Board Update

May 15, 2019

Submitted by Superintendent Doug Johnson

Good News in Dayton Schools

FFA Ag Issues team placed 3rd at the State Conference

Successful Yamate Exchange – 50-year anniversary

ECEAP passes Early Achiever Rating

Public Comment

High School ELA teacher Lindsay Britton read a prepared statement regarding the school board’s decision to eliminate her position due to reduction-in-force (RIF) due to budget issues. Mrs. Britton expressed disappointment but said she understood the board had to make some difficult decisions.

Student Kiya McCaw presented a petition, signed by 69 students, supporting Mrs. Britton as a teacher and asking the board to find a way to keep her.

Students Kiya McCaw, McKennaCulley and Logan Literal all made statements of support regarding Mrs. Britton, as did parents Milissa Lindley and Susan Larson. All wished to see Mrs. Britton retained by the District.

ASB Report

The high school recently completed a blood drive.

New ASB officers for next year have been elected.

APE Bowl competition takes place in the next couple of weeks.

Elementary Principal Report

Principal Smith reported on state assessments, ASB family dance and May de mayo celebration.

High School Principal Report

Principal Brown reported on state assessments, Youth and Government trip and an upcoming Career Day

Superintendent Search Process

Board Chair Katie Leid will contact three different search consultants regarding a process for replacing Superintendent Doug Johnson who will retire in June 2020. It is hoped consultants will present to the board in July/August and begin the process with the community in September.

Superintendent’s Report (Doug Johnson)

OSPI accepted a Parent-Teacher Waiver Day Request for parent-teacher conferences.

Johnson provided a legislative update

A pre-construction meeting is scheduled for June 3 for the roof replacement. The two-week project is expected to start immediately following the end of the school year.

Board reviewed budget reduction items as discussed at a May 1 workshop

Review of CEE perception survey

WASA Spring Conference report

Policy Review

Reviewed Policy 3241 (student discipline), Policy 3200 (rights and responsibilities), and Policy 3240 (student conduct, expectations and reasonable sanctions).

Action Items

Approved above-listed policies for first reading. Approved Resolution 2018-06 Transfer of funds from GF to LGO Bonds Non-voted Energy project.

Board met in an exempt session to discuss negotiations with classified employee group.


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