Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Walla Walla County Sheriff's Office Daily Press Board Listing

June 17

Criminal Mischief: Vehicle egged on W. Sixth Street in Waitsburg.

June 16

Warrant Service: A man was arrested on a warrant in the 11 block of W. Third Street in Waitsburg.

June 15

Violation of Protection Orders: An adult female in the 200 block of N. B Street in Prescott reported a respondent violated the order she has against her. Respondent in the no contact order was taken into custody for the order violation.

DUI: Dispatched to Middle Waitsburg Road near Stonecipher Road for a single vehicle rollover collision.

June 11

Domestic Disturbance: Two men were involved in a domestic dispute in the 300 block of West Street.

June 10

Assault-Simple: A victim was assaulted by a suspect while at the campground on Ayer Road and Lyons Ferry Road.

June 9

Trespassing: Unknown suspects unlawfully entered Preston Hall after hours.


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