DAYTON-An ordinance addressing panhandling in Columbia County is on its way to being codified into law after unanimous approval by the Board of County Commissioners, on June 3.
The ordinance covers panhandling, begging, and solicitation, and states there has been an increase in aggressive panhandling and begging throughout the county, which has become extremely disturbing and disruptive to citizens at both residential and business properties and is contributing to the loss of access to, and enjoyment of, public places.
Commissioner Chuck Amerein cited issues with homelessness and aggressive panhandling in major metropolitan areas, such as San Francisco as the reason for the ordinance.
"We are doing this to head off a problem before it becomes an issue," he said.
County Prosecuting Attorney Dale Slack said the ordinance protects the constitutional right of persons to panhandle in a peaceful and nonthreatening manner, and that this legislation will protect local citizens from the fear and intimidation accompanying certain types of panhandling and begging, defined as aggressive, and which would cause a person being approached to feel threatened.
Slack said a first violation will be treated as a misdemeanor in accordance with state RCWs. A misdemeanor carries a penalty of imprisonment in the county jail for a maximum term of not more than ninety days, or a fine in the amount fixed by the court of not more than one thousand dollars, or by both imprisonment and fine.
Any second or subsequent violation will be treated as a gross misdemeanor, Slack said. A gross misdemeanor is punishable by imprisonment in the county jail for a maximum term fixed by the court of up to three hundred sixty-four days, or by a fine in an amount fixed by the court of not more than five thousand dollars, or by both imprisonment and fine.
County roads
The BOCC also approved the contract, provisions, final plans and bidding process for the South Touchet Road Project. County Engineer Charles Eaton said South Touchet Road will be under construction all summer.
Plans call for a change for the Robinette Intersection, with a through lane coming down Robinette, and a merge lane onto the South Touchet Road, he said.
The BOCC also approved:
Resolution 2019-26: An agreement with the State of Washington County Road Administration Board to receive funds from RATA for the Design and Construction of the Starbuck Bridge Replacement Project. Eaton told the commissioners that RATA funds will act as the local funding match for that project.
Resolution 2019-27: An agreement with the State of Washington County Road Administration Board to receive RATA funds identified for the Design and Construction of Phase 2 of the Kellogg Hollow Road project. The resolution allows Eaton to administer the agreement.
Eaton said the project design will take place during this fiscal year and the county will be funding-eligible for actual construction in the next fiscal year.
The Kellogg Hollow Road project consists of widening the road, replacing culverts, adding ballast, replacing guardrail, and realigning the intersection of the road with McKay-Alto Road, and calls for asphalt concrete paving of the entire section, from milepost 3.2 to milepost 5.10.
Resolution 2019-28: Official adoption of the 2019-24 Capital Improvement Program regarding planning, construction and maintenance of county-owned capital facilities.
Resolution 2019-29: Amending the 2019 Fee Schedule for County Road Operations, in particular for Special Permits regarding overweight, over length, and over width vehicles on county roads.
Eaton told the commissioners he is looking into a substantial fixed fee per-pound, per-mile for hauling on county roads, which is permitted by RCWs.
Amendments to the road operation fee schedule would include liability insurance/bonding requirements on all special permits in addition to the permit fee equaling 50% of the road reconstruction value. The bonding/insurance requirement will be borne by the commercial entity initiating the need for the permit.
Resolution 2019-31: Restrictions on certain county roads to maximum axel weight.
Eaton said construction activity is having a debilitating effect on county roads and he is a looking into placing load restrictions on certain roads.
The following county roads will be designated closed to all vehicles, the gross weight of which exceeds the following load limits:
Eckler Mountain Road – axel weight limit 4 tons
Hartsock Grade Road – No trucks over 7,000 lbs. empty
Hatley Gulch Road – axel weight limit 4 tons
Robinette Mountain Road – axel weight limit 4 tons
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