WALLA WALLA COUNTY—The Washington State Legislature re-authorized the Walla Walla Watershed Management Partnership, for two years, which will be a time of transition for the organization.
The organization was also allocated $500,000 in funding, which will be used to develop a long-term plan and fund a new organizational structure for the Walla Walla Watershed. The partnership will report to the legislature in the fall of 2020 with reorganization recommendations as well as suggestions for activities that will best increase water flow to serve the region. This will include coordinating with Oregon partners to create a basin-wide solution for shared water resource problems.
Board Chair Judith Johnson thanked 16th district legislators Senator Maureen Walsh and Reps. Bill Jenkin and Skyler Rude for sponsoring the legislation that led to the two-year extension and the funding to support the activities.
“With their advocacy, the partnership was granted this opportunity to achieve increased flows for fish, retain a viable agricultural economy and provide a secure water supply for communities,” Johnson said.
Public meetings of the partnership board are held on the first Tuesday of each month at the Walla Walla Community College Water & Environmental Center at 7 p.m. For more information on partnership activities visit http://www.wallawallawatershed.org.
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