Ten Years Ago
June 25, 2009
Photo caption: Stabilization and preservation of the historic Wait's Mill got a boost from the Sherwood Trust of Walla Walla this week. Sherwood Trust approved a grant request for $37,000 for emergency roof repairs for the 1865 structure, which has been the focus of preservation and restoration efforts of the Waitsburg Community Revitalization Committee.
Two fifth grade students, Emma Philbrook and Stacia Deal wrote inspiring essays about the veterans for Memorial Day. Phillbrook's essay won local competition and got first in state competition. Pam Conover was Emma's fifth grade teacher.
Twenty- Five Years Ago
June 16, 1994
Photo caption: Participants in recent fundamental volleyball camp for third to sixth graders at high school gym in Waitsburg were, front row from left: Genny Merino, Chandra Dessert, Kristyn Scott, Malia Reedy-Kalahele, Jamie Henry, Vanna Webber, Ashley Katsel, Sarah Henze, Callie Hulce, Hilary Bye-Hogan, Jessie Winnett, and Angela Smith: Second row, from left, volleyball coach Karen Huwe, Kale Ahmann, Selena Riggs, Holly Menino, Katy Pearson, Stephanie Smith, Sara Leid, Rachel Lambert, Melissa Wyatt, Mandy Zavala, Stephanie Thomas and Savannah Stanger. Back row, from left are aides Diane Conover, Kynde Kiefel and Amy Shollerberger and coaches Marie Gagnon and Denise Winnett.
Dayton City Council Tuesday night authorized spending as much as $12,000 for water and sewer facilities at a new Little League baseball park to be built near the dike. Touchet Valley Little League officials said the new park, which will be built by mostly volunteers, will allow the city to host Little League tournaments.
Fifty Years Ago
June 19, 1969
Waitsburg has been the "home away from home" for several State Highway Department engineers and technicians as two or three scheduled hearings were completed with still a third set for Friday, June 20. The Friday hearing will be a formal access hearing with the members of the State Highway Commission in attendance and will decide the fate of the Highway 12 bypass route east of Waitsburg as well as the joining of SR 124 to the main highway at a point just south of the city limits.
Photo Caption: This was the scene of the barbeque pit at the Lewis and Clark Trail State Park as the roast pig neared completion. Pete Huwe tests the carcass temperature while Burdette Huwe turns the animal over the barbecue pit skillfully constructed by Ron Kenney with some kibitzing from Bill Thompson and Huwe. Standing by with a freshly cooked pan of dressing is Donna Davis.
Seventy-Five Years Ago
June 23, 1944
Approximately 900,000 bushels of feed wheat priced at $1.29 a bushel for eastern Washington and $1.30 for western Washington have been allotted for the state this month by the Commodity Credit Corporation.
Miss Evelyn Ruth Mills and James Earl Ladd Jr. were united in marriage Friday evening at the Christian Church.
Red Cross rooms are open regularly Tuesday and Friday afternoon. Your committee in charge will open the rooms any time to help the cause. Phone either Mrs. W. D. Harris, Mrs. Earle Butler or Mrs. W. O. Tucker.
The heavy wind and rainstorm which was accompanied by lightning and thunder Wednesday did some slight damage in this area. Transformers were blown out by lighting at Prescott and Waitsburg.
One Hundred Years Ago
June 27, 1919
Prescott invites Waitsburg to join with her in celebrating Home Coming of the soldier boys, Friday, July 4th. Our sister town is arranging a fine program for that day especially appropriate for our service men.
Notwithstanding the long continued drought, fall wheat is looking fine and promised to yield an average of about thirty bushels hereabouts.
Chas. McBeth left Monday for Pasco where he has a contract to erect several new buildings for C. A. Hales and Sons.
G. G. Bickelhaupt and family, O. L. Denney and family and M. Zuger and family, who made an automobile trip to Portland Rose Carnival by way of Seattle arrived home the first of the week.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago
June 22, 1894
Immediately after services at the Christian Church in the city next Sunday, June 24, Rev. Smith of Walla Walla, will unite in marriage W. W. Maxwell of Walla Walla and Miss Ella M. Smith of this city.
Sports had an interesting quarter race at the track on Tuesday, four entries being made. Wade's horse carried off the sack. Ike Maxwell's horse was second, Jenkin's third, while the Smith pony took a spin out in the alfalfa grove.
Our new cow ordinance is to be tested. On Thursday night the city marshal in obedience to the ordnance impounded a number of cows, among them one belonging to A. C. Dickinson. Mr. Dickinson took his ax and knocked the pound fence down, took his cow out and put the fence up again. For this he will be arrested, and the validity of the ordinance will be tested.
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