June 20, 2019
Submitted by Superintendent Doug Johnson
Good News in Dayton Schools
2019 graduation was a success
Heather Clarys and Monica Chapman were honored as GEARUP Community Leadership recipients
The Consolidated Program Review is nearly completed
Consent Agenda
Approved the Dayton High School ASB Constitution
Approved Nicki as the new DW Combine Athletic Director
Accepted the following resignations/retirements: Elementary Para Pro Debbie Witt, Grounds Custodian Jim Gallaher, Shane Robins Head High School Softball Coach
Approved Cal Martin as High School Football Volunteer and Tamira Culley as High School Girls Head Basketball Coach
No Public Comment
Superintendent Report
Discipline Report – Superintendent Johnson provided the board with data regarding student discipline from elementary, middle and high school. New disciplinary laws from the state have changed significantly the consequences available for helping shape student behavior. Suspensions are way down. Student behavior has improved in many areas and students, teachers, parents and administration working together has been helpful. The data will be further reviewed next fall by administration and teachers and ideas brought to the table of continual improvement.
High School Roof Project – A pre-construction meeting took place and work on the sloped portion of the roof and new gutters will begin on June 24. Project is estimated to take four weeks.
Athletic Combine Report – The combine has hired a single athletic director to represent both schools. Nicki Luper, who previously worked in Dayton, was selected and will begin immediately. The Combine committee held a business meeting and a coaches appreciation taco feed last week. The efforts of all of our coaches has been appreciated and, as a combine, we will continue to encourage students to participate in at least one activity. As we prepare to enter our second year the committee will be seeking to gather information about how we can improve. It will also need to be determined if the combine should continue in its present format or if changes will be made to things like practice and game sites, practice times, and transportation.
School Calendar – A revised school calendar has been adopted and will be available on the website soon. Ten more two-hour late starts have been added to the calendar in order to provide the time necessary for professional development, training, and compliance with many state and federal regulation. There are concerns from some staff about the additional class time lost to late starts – and some parents/families are concerned about the imposition a late start has on child supervision. These were considered before making a final decision but without appropriate funding the District was unable to add additional days on the calendar and must utilize paid time supported by the state, instead. A recently completed Consolidated Program Review by the State of Washington has identified some areas where training and data-gathering is required. The District will hear feedback during the upcoming year in order to determine the value of such a schedule.
District Goals – Four goal areas with multiple sub-goals were provided to the board. There will be a final review in July followed by a formal adoption by the Board of Directors. The goals are intended to provide more direction to the District for decision-making and data-gathering/analysis. Input or comments regarding the Goals is encouraged by staff, parents and community. The goals will be used as a tool for measuring the work completed by the Board and Superintendent.
Building/Staff Plans – The secondary class schedule has been released and used for pre-registration. There are likely a couple more changes needed but the schedule seems to accommodate the needs of both middle and high school students. Elementary assignments remain the same except teacher Morgan Stone will move to a 4th grade class. There will be a single section of 2nd grade and the rest of the grade levels K-5 will have two sections.
Day Estate – Although there has not been any direct notification from US Trust, it appears the trust company is making some changes in how the farm is managed. There is also some concern that US Trust would sell the farm and reinvest the money in a different type of portfolio. Although some investors would not mind if this happened the school and hospital boards believe it is important to keep the farm for the purpose of connecting the school and hospital to the roots of the community. The Day Estate and the Pietrzycki Funds are important links to the history of Dayton and the school district. The school and hospital will be exploring options available to them regarding the trusts named above.
Classified Employee Group Contract Negotiations – The District received a written acceptance letter from the Classified Employee Group (representing para professionals, building secretaries, kitchen staff, bus drivers, and librarians) and they have accepted the District’s counter-proposal for a three-year contract. The contract includes salary increases of 5% in 2019-2020 and 3% in each of the next two years. The final draft of the contract will be completed by the July 17 meeting and formally accepted by the Board at that time.
Policy Review
Reviewed Policy 3241 – Student Discipline and Policy 3200 Rights and Responsibilities
Action Items
Approved Policies 3241 and 3200 above
Approved principal and exempt employee contracts for 2019-20 (3% increase)
Approved Resolution 2018-07 delegating authority to WIAA
Approved Day Estate representatives Fred White and Justin Jaech
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