Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Pioneer Portraits

Ten Years Ago

July 2, 2009

The Grand Opening of a radio controlled (R/C) track at the Waitsburg Fairgrounds set for July 24 is just one of the many features of a newly established organization, Rural Green Youth Enterprise. The new organization is aimed at supporting youth and communities in Walla Walla, Dixie, Waitsburg, Prescott, Dayton, Starbuck, and Pomeroy.

Photo Caption: Here’s John Lloyd, in his blacksmith’s shop in Campbell, Calif, in 1908, this picture postcard courtesy of Town Historian Extraordinaire Bettie Chase. Lloyd was Bettie’s uncle, the first child of her grandparents, Albert Galletin (A.G.) and Lois Jasper Lloyd. Campbell is in what is now the Silicon Valley, bordered by Cupertino and San Jose. Bettie’s father was Ralph G. Lloyd, born the seventh of nine children.

The Arizona Commemorative Air Force will be displaying the B-17 Flying Fortress at the Aviation and Business Weekend July 31-August 2. The Arizona Wing is an all-volunteer organization whose members are dedicated to re-preserving aviation history and wartime memorabilia for future generation.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

June 23, 1994

In the future, signs on the highway leading into Dayton will proclaim the message: “This is a neighborhood Watch Town.” In the past year, crime has increased in Dayton and people, including business owners, have expressed concern. Forming Neighborhood Watch is one response.

A Walla Walla company has been hired by the school district in Waitsburg to remove hazardous asbestos from Preston Hall before renovation on the school begins. The school board approved a bid for $14,329 from Tektoniks Corp. Asbestos, once routinely used in construction, has been identified as cancer-causing agent.

Waitsburg schools, faced with tightening federal regulations on underground fuel storage, is taking a look at what to do about tanks buried on school property. Three of the tanks - two at the elementary school and one at Preston Hall - are scheduled to be removed as part of the restoration and expansion of the two schools. The tanks for heating oil at the high school will have to stay until there is an alternatives heating source, possibly as a result of future remodeling, Dickerson said.

Fifty Years Ago

June 26, 1969

The City of Waitsburg is offering for sale, three lots which were willed to the city by the late Fanny Weller. A drawing and explanation of the lots can be examined at the City Hall during office hours. The monies received from the sale of these lots will be placed in the Library Endowment Fund, to be re-invested. The interest only from these investments will go to the Library Fund to be used for library improvements as the funds are available.

Touchet news: Two Welsh ponies owned by Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Breithaupt, won honors in the mid-state Open Horse Show, held Saturday and Sunday at Moses Lake. Berreth’s Black Velvet, driven by Mrs. Breithaupt won first places in both Saturday’s open class, and Sundays championship class. Both Robsan Ranch ponies were trained by Mrs. Breithaupt.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

June 30, 1944

Shipment of wastepaper will be made in the near future as collections from the last drive have now been made ready for the mills.

Mr. and Mrs. George Samuels have sold their home here and will move by August 1st to California between Santa Ana and Long Beach.

Major General Frederick Gilbreath, new commander of Fort Lewis was in Dayton and Waitsburg Wednesday to inspect the prison camp at Dayton and to view the working conditions of the prisoners at the cannery here.

Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Meinberg and Bob Harmon left Wednesday evening for Seattle to attend the wedding of Dahl Jones USN and Miss Delores Bellinger of Seattle.

One Hundred Years Ago

July 4, 1919

The dancing party given Tuesday night by the Woman’s Park Club for the benefit of Preston Park, netted almost $32.50, so the ladies report.

Clyde Sanders and family arrived Monday from Enterprise, Ore and will visit a few days with Clyde’s parents, Mr. .and Mrs. R. O. Sanders. They made the trip by auto, coming by the way of the Toll Gate road over the mountains.

It is now “Grandpa” Frank Callahan if you please. An eight-pound son was born to Rev. and Mrs. J. E. Purdy of Wilbur, Wash., Monday June 30th. Mrs. Purdy was formerly Miss May Callahan.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

June 29, 1894

Mrs. Frank Parton and family left on Tuesday morning for California which is to be their home in the future.

Shiloh camp meeting closed on Monday night.

Andrew Storrie is shipping cherries to Minneapolis.

Schuyler Arnold came down from Moscow on Wednesday evening and will remain about a week.

Four weddings in our Burg this week, and yet there are just as many fish in the sea as have ever been caught.


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