June 20, 2019
Secondary Principal’s Report
(Stephanie Wooderchak)
Graduation went well with large scholarship awards.
WHS ASB leadership and ACT held year-end reward parties.
Mrs. Groom and the ASB led incoming freshman through orientation.
Athletic Director’s Report
(Stephanie Wooderchak)
Summer programs are underway and going well.
The boys were at the first of two basketball camps.
Spring football numbers are low and the program was ended on June 14 due to low participation and safety concerns. Attendance ranged between five and 18 players. Athletes are encouraged to come out this fall.
Volleyball is very busy.
Football and cheer practices start Aug. 21 and football begins Aug. 26.
Elementary Principal’s Report
(Dr. Jon Mishra)
Move up night was a huge success. Dr. Mishra thanked Bailey Carlson, who spearheaded the event.
Field Day was June 7, with thanks to Kathy Schirm for organizing and volunteers for helping.
Superintendent’s Report
(Dr. Jon Mishra)
Working on closing out year, finishing reports and coordinating the transition to a new superintendent.
The year started at 281 FTE enrollment and ended at 273 FTE, the same as last year.
Combine Update
(Christy House/Ross Hamann)
The Combine Committee held a cookout for members and spouses at Christy and Kevin House’s home. The event was positive, and the atmosphere was supportive.
New DW Athletic Director Nicki Luper was introduced.
Transportation questions remain unanswered. The combine will hire a single driver to handle all combine transportation, which will hopefully lessen issues with communication. At this point the committee was unsure if there have been any applicants.
Johnny Watts and Randy Hinchliffe applied to fill the empty Waitsburg alumni position on the combine committee. Hinchliffe deferred to Watts who was approved by the board as the new alumni representative.
ECEAP/Preschool Update
ECEAP preschool will be held in Prescott next year and the classroom has been moved. The board will need to consider transportation to Prescott. The first step will be to decide how many Waitsburg students wish to participate in ECEAP, which won’t be determined until later this summer.
The Waitsburg levy-approved preschool has a very large 4-year-old class with 14 students. More enrollees are expected in the second and third week in August.
2019-20 Budget and Staffing Update
Dr. Mishra said that OSPI is reporting an increase of 31% in assessed property value in Waitsburg in 2019-20. Mishra contacted Walla Walla County Assessor Debra Antes who said that it will be September before final numbers are in.
The board discussed hiring a replacement for the music position vacated by Shelby Pomerinke. No students have signed up for the 7-12 grade music class. Wooderchak suggested hiring a para who would consult with a teacher on lesson plans and then teach the lessons. She also said there may be the need for a para to provide one-on-one coverage in the life skills program.
Dr. Mishra noted that Waitsburg is over the 17:1 student-teacher ratio required by the K-3 reduction in class size program. If not compliant, the school could lose approximately $57,000 in funding. A certificated staff person would who could teach specials could help meet that ratio. Dr. Mishra, new Superintendent Mark Pickel and Wooderchak will get together to determine how to best list the position(s).
Approved WIAA Resolution 062019A delegating authority to WIAA.
Previewed preliminary DW athletic budgets
Approved secondary principal contract with Stephanie Wooderchak
Approved resignations/retirements of Shane Robins, DW high school head softball coach; Bailey Carlson, 5th grade teacher; Matt Elder, yearbook advisor.
Approved positions for Tamira Culley, DW high school head girls’ basketball coach; Nicki Luper DW athletic director.
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