Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Pioneer Portraits

Ten Years Ago

July 9, 2009

When Ben Moser, 13, son of Bret and Bethany Moser of Waitsburg, opened his latest issue of the comic book Sonic Universe, he diligently read through each of the stories until being completely surprised on the next to last page, where he discovered a cartoon submission that was penned by him at his own drafting table. “I like drawing comics,” Moser said. “It’s one of my hobbies.”

After a successful take-over last year-one that brought business and community service happily together - the Waitsburg Lions Club will again serve the public in cooperation with the Whetstone Public House for its Second Annual Fundraiser. The Lions will take the helm of Whetstone Public House to serve up an evening of all-you-can-eat brats and burgers Saturday, July 11, Waitsburg.

Photo caption: Here are the 4th and 5th grade checkers tournament champions for 2009. L – R: 1st-Emily Adams: 2nd-Morgan Breland: 3rd-Emma Philbrook: 4th-Kyle Gradwohl: 5th-Nicolas Kitselman: 6th- Jared Farley, 7th-Aisy Johnson: 8th Joe Leamy

Twenty-Five Years Ago

June 30, 1994

They’ll admit they thought their chances were like sinking an NBA 3-pointer on the first try, but after their first two games, as player Chris Pearson of Waitsburg, put it: “We said, ‘hey we can play against these guys.’” The team of Pearson, Ryan Leid, Jesse McCaw and Travis Richardson, all 14 years old, took first place in their division which had 16 teams entered, mostly from Spokane.

Heather Stephenson was appointed Grand Representative of Mississippi at the Grand Assembly for Rainbow Girls held last week in Tacoma. Heather is a past worthy advisor of Waitsburg Assembly. In attendance from Waitsburg along with Heather and Stacy (Thomas) were Janel Ryckman, Callie Andrews, Michelle Anderson, Kelly Thomas, Amanda Stanley and Susan Duckworth. Adults who made the trip were Lois Stephenson, Nancy Otterson and Helen Duckworth.

Fifty Years Ago

July 3, 1969

Officials at the Green Giant reported that the early pea pack was completed on June 17 at the same time that pack began on the sweets. The cut bean pack will start in late July and could run through September, depending upon weather conditions. The beans processed in Waitsburg come from the Columbia Basin and Port Falls, Idaho area.

Photo caption: Prescott High School graduates, who were specially honored at the alumni reunion last Saturday night were members of the classes of 1914 and 1919. Coming back for the 55th reunion were Ernest Mc Caw (left) and Jay McCaw (right). Members of the class of 1919 present were Dwight Mc Caw (second from left), Eunice Purdy Pollard (center) and Charles Walsh (second from right).

Bob DuPree was honored upon the occasion of his retirement by 72 friends and fellow workers from Pacific Power and Light Company, at a dinner held last Saturday evening in Dayton. Fellow employees gave Bob a set of luggage and his wife, Clara, received jewelry and a gift certificate.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

July 7, 1944

Seven scouts received second class awards at the court of honor last week at the City park. They are Gay Johnson, Arland Johnson, Jack Roberts, Chas. Dowell, Neal Maxwell, Lynn Pearson and Bill Zuger. Two Tenderfoot awards were given to Fritz Zuger and Bob Patton.

Twelve elevators of the Touchet Valley Grain Growers are empty and ready to receive the 1944 bumper wheat crop. Farmers expect to begin wheat harvest in this area next week with the first haulings probably coming from the Prescott vicinity.

All farmers are working shorthanded this season, both in the fields and in the kitchen, but the Mexican labor camp at Dixie will relieve the situation somewhat, bringing relief thru this channel.

One Hundred Years Ago

July 11, 1919

The McKinney Auto Co. is now really and truly a “going concern” again. W. E. McKinney moved his business office into his handsome new brick building this week and formally took possession.

The penitentiary will sell grain bags in carload lots at 12 cents each. F. O. B. Walla Walla and prepay the freight to destination points within the state upon all accepted orders.

The first grain fire of this locality occurred Wednesday afternoon when 40 acres of standing grain was destroyed for Chester Keiser on the F. T. Keiser farm near Huntsville.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

July 6, 1894

A number of families of the Burg will go into mountain camp to spend the heated term as soon as the militia boys return.

Bert Preston held ticket No. 9 which drew the fine rifle at the Farmer’s Hardware Store. Little Winnie Lewis did the drawing.

Hon. P. A. Preston and daughter Margaret gave a delightfully pleasant musical at their elegant home on Thurs evening.

H. J. Woodworth is building a fine barn on his property in the eastern part of the city. He will finish it in good style and occupy it as a residence during the summer.


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