Last week I was reminded that just because I am an avid reader of newspapers and the owner and publisher of this newspaper, I am not a reporter. This hit me when I opened the July 11 Times and found an error I was completely responsible for. First, by giving incorrect information to the managing editor, Dena Martin, then not proofreading the final story before it went to print. As I said, I am not a reporter. I am, however, a publisher so I am printing my first correction:
The article "Patriot's Parade Begins with a Dare" states that Anita Baker challenged her husband Tom Baker and friend Jack McCaw to the 4th of July Dare. This dare was actually proposed by Jack McCaw's late wife Laurette.
As I go forward learning the business of newspaper publishing, I am thrilled to have such a professional and talented team working at the paper. The writers and contributors, under the leadership of Managing Editor Dena Martin, are committed to providing objective and accurate journalism to our community. I am continuing to learn my role in how to not only help, but also not get in their way. As I was reminded, loving newspapers and even owning one does not make me a journalist, at least not yet.
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