Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Waitsburg School Board Update

July 18, 2019

All board members present: Ross Hamann, Christy House, Lisa Morrow, Jason Kaehler, Randy Hinchliffe

Waitsburg Superintendent Mark Pickel took the Oath of Office.

Secondary Principal Report (Mark Pickel for Stephanie Wooderchak)

Stephanie Hinchliffe, Deanna Coulston, Pam Beasley, Heather Ball and Roseann Groom traveled to a Six Traits + 1 Writing workshop on June 17-18.

Stephanie Wooderchak, Groom, Ball, Gabe Kiefel, Kolby Starring, Matt Elder and Tabitha Jordan attended a Teaching for Excellence workshop on July 8-11.

Staff thanked the board and administration for the professional development opportunities. Teams plan to meet in August to review trainings and discuss strategies for implementing the information learned.

Athletic Director’s Report (Mark Pickel)

Combine Athletic Director Nicki Luper will spend Tuesdays and half of Wednesday in Waitsburg and half of Wednesday and Thursday in Dayton in the coming school year.

Pickel expressed a wish to move forward with the mindset of committing to the combine long-term

Board members and attendees discussed possible reasons for low athletic participation numbers and considered ways to combat the issue.

Pickel will contact Columbia County Health System (CCHS) to set up a sports physical night.

There have been no applicants for a dedicated combine bus driver. Waitsburg is also looking for a second route driver.

Football starts Aug. 21 and volleyball starts Aug. 26.

Facilities/Maintenance/Transportation Report (Colter Mohney)

North goal post is not level and will be fixed before football.

Requested estimates for roof repairs on the gymnasium and ag shop have not been received. The Board discussed pros and cons of repairs vs. replacement.

The annex does contain lead-based paint and an estimate for removal was $52,000. The wood containing lead-based paint can be removed for $13,000 and the building could be re-sided. Board discussed what to do with items being stored in the building, investigating a possible insurance incentive for removal, and options for removal.

Elementary Principal’s Report (Mark Pickel)

Dayton will continue to waive sports/activity fees in the coming year. Waitsburg has no such fees.

Discussed the possibility of the Districts providing sack lunches, through the lunch program, for away games. To be discussed further at the July 29 Combine meeting.

Pickel is working with Cole Thompson to perform a technology of the buildings.

Pickel is investigating the option of using CCHS to provide speech services that have previously been contracted through the ESD. If the cost will be less, or similar, to last year’s costs, the Board approved contracting with CCHS for services rather than ES.

The ESD is offering a two-day training that will allow paraprofessionals to meet half of the 28-hour continuing education requirement.

A bus driver and combine route driver are needed.

Inservice/welcome back days are Aug. 26-28.

Pickel will be attending workshops for new superintendents and new special ed directors.

The summer meal program has been averaging 12-14 kids in the morning and 25 kids in the afternoon. Teachers and community members have been offering special activities such as art, movies on set dates.

Old Business

Expected head count, factoring in anticipated incoming/outgoing students is 260.

New Business

Pickel briefly reviewed changes to the state graduation requirements.

Legislation requires the District to meet a 17:1 student-teacher ratio for the coming school year or face a fine of more than $55,000. The Board approved Pickel to post for a temporary position of a K-5 STEM and middle school math support teacher to help meet the requirement. Pickel felt that applicants for the fifth-grade teaching position would be good candidates if they were interested.

Board approved a superintendent contract addendum for a 2% pay increase to the previously approved transition days pay.

Board approved the hire of Angela Johnston to replace Bailey Carlson as 5th Grade teacher.

Board unanimously approved multiple standard resolutions necessary to allow Pickel to effectively carry out the role of district superintendent.


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