Ten Years Ago
August 6, 2009
Photo caption: Wait ancestors were given a tour of the interior of Wait’s Mill, and included: Laurie Smith, Janice Babula, Javon Monahan, Jim Matzger, Brian Madison, Jacque Madison, Chris Madison, Kathryn Madison, Jose’ Mendoza, Jenelle Wise and Jim Wise.
Seven people who trace their family tree back to Sylvester M. Wait visited Waitsburg last weekend. The group were permitted a restricted tour of the mill, which is in the midst of a reroofing project.
Whether you prefer the Model-T or Monte Carlo’s, Willy’s or Studebaker, you’ll want to check out the “clunkers” wheels at the park. Sunday, organizers have ordered cooler weather and expect twenty to 75 vehicles for the second annual One of a Kind car show and cruise.
Twenty-Five Years Ago
July 28, 1994
Four Waitsburg teen-agers have been given the opportunity to earn money and learn job skills this summer through the federal Job Training Partnership Act’s summer youth employment program. Jason Crawford, 16, Jeff Pierce, 17, and Andy Samson, 16, have been working for the Waitsburg School District. Lisa Pierce, 15, has split her time between Weller Public Library and City Hall.
Waitsburg’s City Council accepted a low bid of $345,373 from Burdine Enterprises of Waitsburg, for the extension of Garden Street to the state highway and for sidewalks on West 2nd Street and Preston Ave. The bid submitted by Clyde Burdine was lower than four other bids, which ranged from a low of $351,686 to a high of $417, 694.
Photo caption: The ‘Hoopsters’ 3-on-3 basketball team from Waitsburg made up of, from left, Curtis Johnson, Cole Lindsey, Clay Lindsey and Ryan Meier, took the championship in the 10-under division at the Depot festival in Dayton on July 16.
Fifty Years Ago
July 31, 1969
A jubilant whistle last Sunday afternoon at 2:05 heralded the end of the 1969 Green Giant pea pack at the local cannery. This was an excellent year for the entire run of peas, with most all production meeting or exceeding budgeted requirements.
Photo caption: Four Waitsburg cheerleaders who are attending the Song and Cheerleading sessions in Ellensburg this summer are, Debbie Conover, Kathy Donnelly, Jani Keve and Becky Kenney. The girls left last Sunday for the week of training which will be held on the central campus.
Photo caption: First beginners’ class in the summer swim education program were: front row, Ronnie Murray, Brad Ely, Kathy Noland, Janet Lucas and Kevin Waldo. Back row, Mark Shively, Mark Higgins, Jerry Gersuch and Gary Gersuch.
Photo caption: Mrs. A. Fred Zuger of Rt. 2, Waitsburg, was installed as twelfth district president of the American Legion Auxiliary on Saturday July 26, at the Washington department Conference which was held in Yakima. Mrs. Zuger is a member of Samuel W. Southard Unit No. 35 at Waitsburg. She was accompanied by Mrs. Delbert Mock.
Seventy-Five Years Ago
Aug 4, 1944
Burdette Huwe, Victor Allmon and Danny Telecky left Saturday for Ritzville to work during harvest in the vicinity.
All lumber has been frozen effective Aug. 1. Shingles and cement are not frozen.
All angling in the Tucannon River and Tributaries from the north boundary of the Umatilla forest to the stream’s sources will be closed Aug. 1st.
Waitsburg shipped approximately seven tons of wastepaper last month to the shipping center in Spokane in their contribution to the war effort.
One Hundred Years Ago
Aug. 8, 1919
The midsummer commencement exercises of the graduating class of the Cheney State Normal will be held Thursday Aug. 7 of this week. In the class will be Miss Ada Philips, Miss Ethel McAninch and Miss Idell Purvis.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. McCoy and sons Hays and Robert left Tuesday for Long Beach, WA. where they will play in the saltwater of the ocean for a few weeks.
Mrs. Albert Dixon and daughter of Spokane are visiting Grandma Ellen Dixon, Art Dixon and family and other relatives in this city.
Rev. and Mrs. John Garver, Edgar Leonard and Henry Roberts returned the latter part of last week from a ten day’s outing on the Wolfe Fork of the Touchet.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago
Aug. 2, 1894
Thornton Hesksett has given up the newspaper business and will give his attention to teaming. His newspaper venture was not a success, financial or otherwise. He left on Thursday for Boise, Idaho.
Our blacksmiths are busy almost night and day, keeping harvest machinery in repair. Our streets have been thronged numerous times this week with harvest and threshing crews passing through.
Emmett Evans and Miss Anna Ingraham are to be married in the Christian Church in this city on Sunday, Aug. 12.
Thieves made a raid on friend Vining’s peach orchard last Sunday night and stole most of the green peaches.
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