Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Misty Yost is appointed to Dayton Council

The City has received three applications for Planning Director

DAYTON-At last week's Dayton City Council meeting Mayor Zac Weatherford said he has received three applications for the position of Community Development Planning Director, and he has formed a committee to interview the applicants.

He said a special council meeting will be called, within the next week, to ask the council to confirm his appointment to the position.

Mayor Weatherford has met with the City Planning and Economic Development committee and received support for his letter of intent to lease public ground with Energy Northwest, Inc. for installation of an electric charging station near Caboose Park.

He said city officials will meet with Basin Disposal, Inc. to talk about some services they provide.

He will also meet with City department heads and staff to get direction on the City budget for 2020.

"City staff will meet with the Transportation Improvement Board in September, to visit about City streets and funding options, for the city-wide street program," he said.

A grant application has been submitted to the Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) for funding of the West Cameron St. pavement preservation project in 2020.

The Mayor reminded council members about the next Cup of Joe meeting, which will take place on Aug. 21 at 7:30 a.m. at the Smith Hollow Schoolhouse. School district representatives will share plans for the upcoming year, the budget, and the DW athletic combine.

Councilwoman Delphine Bailey said there is to be a celebration of Dayton's Dog Park on Aug. 24, from 4-6 p. m. at the dog park.

Councilman Mike Paris said there are eleven applicants for the maintenance position in the Public Works Department and Public Works Department Director Jim Costello said he is in the process of interviewing for that position.

Councilman Byron Kaczmarski thanked Planning Director Meagan Bailey for the "tremendous effort" she has made on Dayton's Comprehensive Plan update.

Public Works Director Jim Costello said the Mustard Bridge, in the 700 block, between S 4th St. and S. 3rd St., has been re-decked for the second time. He is recommending its replacement with a culvert, and engineers from Anderson & Perry and Associates will look into it. He said the North 3rd St. Bridge has suffered some minor damage due to a car collision.

The Army Corps of Engineers has submitted their annual inspection report on the levee to the City, and City officials will meet soon to discuss that.

Dain Nysoe reported that the Public Safety Committee will discuss issues citizens have had regarding fireworks on the Fourth of July. The committee will also discuss redesigning Main Street, with the state Dept. of Transportation.

City administrator Trina Cole said Requests for Proposals for the East Clay Street project have gone to the Small Works Roster.

She said a meeting has been scheduled in September to discuss the one million dollar, low interest loan the city has received from the Public Works Board, for land acquisition, for the dry land application Wastewater Treatment Plant Project.

Because the City is now looking into a reclamation-type system with Washington Water Trust and the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation, direction is needed on the use of those funds. Repayment of the loan is scheduled to begin in June, 2020.

The Dayton City Council authorized:

An ordinance amending Title 1 of the Dayton Municipal Code Creating and Establishing Chapter 1-14 of the Dayton Municipal Code-Affordable Housing Commission.

A resolution allowing the Mayor to execute a contract with Walla Walla Electric for the Main Street streetlights replacement project through the TIB Relight Washington Program, not to exceed $3,539.26

A resolution adopting a fixed-assets policy and procedure, for city assets, of $5,000, and over, based on a recommendation from the state auditor. Cole said the policy will also help with creating a Capital Improvement Plan.

A resolution to change the Dayton City Planning Commission Rules of Procedure, reflecting that their meetings will be held on the fourth Tuesday of the month, at the Dayton City Hall.


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