Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

City of Dayton to appoint new planning director

Mayor requests appointment of Meagan Bailey

DAYTON—Barring a majority of ‘nay’ votes, Columbia County Planning Director Meagan Bailey will become the new City of Dayton Planning Director next month.

Mayor Zac Weatherford called an Aug. 27 special meeting with two actions items; the affirmation of Weatherford’s appointment of Bailey to serve as the Director of Planning and Community Development and approval of a Resolution authorizing Weatherford to sign an employment contract with Bailey.

In June, the Dayton City Council voted to terminate interlocal agreements with the County for Planning Department and Code Compliance services, with the intent of hiring a full-time planner to focus on growing the City and increasing the tax base. The City’s contract with the County expires on Sept. Aug. 15.

Bailey was selected by the hiring committee from one of several applicants. If the appointment stands, Bailey will assume duties at the City on Sept. 16.


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