The graphic at right was received in a newsletter from Enough is Enough: Making the Internet Safe for Children and Families. The Sarasota County Sheriff's Office put together this list of 15 apps parents should know about. The list was updated in July.
Of course, there are more apps that are not listed here that predators use to try to connect with and groom children. It is important for parents to know what apps and sites their teens are visiting and what information they are posting. Here are a few tips from Enough to Enough:
Teach your child to:
Be as anonymous as possible (do not post or share additional information)
Use privacy settings
Avoid in-person meetings
Be honest about their age when signing up for apps
Remember social networking sites are public spaces
Avoid posting anything that could embarrass them later or expose them to danger (think before they post)
Remember that people aren't always who they say they are
Avoid inappropriate content and behavior, and, if encountered, report it to the social networking site
If your child or someone he/she knows is in danger, contact law enforcement immediately.
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