Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago

October 8, 2009

The dedication of a life size bronze sculpture of Sacajawea will highlight a weekend-long event in Dayton this weekend where a large variety of art will be exhibited by artists during Dayton On Tour.

Photo Caption: Anne Walsh of Waitsburg, ventured abroad last summer, treated to a birthday celebration with a couple of life long companions. Anne enjoyed reading a copy of the Waitsburg Times at Waltomo Hotel in New Zealand, a place famous for the caves and glow worms, we kid you not. This 1908 Victorian hotel is a landmark of the North Island. We won’t divulge which birthday Anne and her friends were celebrating but suffice to it to say the words half a century come to mind.

Photo Caption: Students of the Month for September include, Taylor Spoonemore, Kyle Gradwohl, 5th grade, Clarissa Espana and Samuel McGowen.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

September 29, 1994

The Weinhard Hotel in Dayton, owned by Dan and Ginny Butler of Waitsburg, is the focus of a Q6-TV “weekend Getaway” report airing Saturday, Oct 1, at 7:20 and 9:20 a.m. on channel six in Dayton and Waitsburg. Taking part in filming were Dick and Jill Ingram, Rachel and Ted Lowe and Sweetie Ruttan, all of Dayton. The Butlers were interviewed for the show.

By any measure Ester Renick is a volunteer extraordinaire. The Prescott woman is an active advocate for developmentally disabled people in the state of Washington.

About 30 students from Dayton High School and several adult volunteers-including school principal Van Cummings-formed a bucket brigade to haul 1000 green-painted concrete blocks down a steep hillside between Dayton and Waitsburg last Saturday. Their mission: Make the Green Giant Green. Gary Lowe, a 1960 graduate of Dayton High, has been spear-heading the effort to outline the 300-foot tall Green Giant trademark, Jolly Green Giant on the hillside.

Fifty Years Ago

October 2, 1969

He tried to sneak thru incognito, but we spotted this recording artist scout from Universal Studio, Dan Garrett. Dan has been using his work at the Lee Mantz, Jr. Ranch as a cover-he has really been in town recruiting new talent for the studio.

Photo caption: Some high- powered talk went on at the Salmon Barbeque last Thursday in Waitsburg. Swapping tales are Wayne Hinchliffe, Bill Dunn, and Red Mohney.

Dayton Drive-In, October 3-4 “Shalako” starring Sean Connery and Brigit Bardot. “To Hell with Heroes”, Showtime 7:30

Plaza Theater: October 3-4 “Thoroughly Modern Millie” staring Julie Andrews, Carol Channing, Mary Tyler Moore and James Fox. Showtime 7:00 pm

Seventy-Five Years Ago

Oct 6, 1944

Sgt. William Payne was recently decorated with the Soldier’s Medal for heroism displayed ‘somewhere in England’ during March 1944.

Parade winners for the Community Fair held last weekend were Bobbie Bill Wright, Betty Pollard and Dorothy Gagnon.

Miss Virginia Jeanne Rinehart and Ensign Denney Otis Neace were united in marriage on Sept 21 at “The Little Church Around the Corner” in New York City.

Miss Vivian Buchmann and Sgt. R. J. Herring were married in Salt Lake City on Sept. 27. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theo Bachman

One Hundred Years Ago

Oct 10, 1919

James H. Adams, who for the past four years has been superintendent of schools of this city has received his appointment from the Post office Department as Postmaster of this city.

Announcement has been made that the National Tuberculosis Association with the aid of local and state organizations in every state of the Union, is sponsoring the greatest educational campaign this country has ever known in an effort to check the increase of tuberculosis.

T. D. Jones, more familiarly known as Dahl Jones, died at the St Mary’s hospital last Friday evening, Oct 3rd at 6:10 o’clock. He was 41 years, 8 months and 27 days.

A basket social was given at the Coppei school house Friday evening for the purpose of buying some books for the library. The young folks danced until midnight after which the baskets were sold which brought them $40.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

Oct 5, 1894

The Quit at Midnight Club will open its series of Saturday night dances at Armory Hall on Saturday night of this week. It is the purpose of this club to have a social dance every alternate Saturday night during the winter.

Gen Lew Wallace, the well- known author, will lecture in Walla Walla next Thursday evening on “How I Came To Write Ben Hur”

Married in this county Oct 2, John L. Blize and Miss Hattie Chapman. The Times extends congratulations and best wishes to the happy couple.

Last Saturday was a lively day in the Burg—kind of an old-fashioned day-when all the farmers came to town to do some trading.


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