Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago

October 22, 2019

Photo caption: Waitsburg High School has been recognized as one of the 104 “Highest Improving” in reading and math by the Center for Educational Effectiveness. Two years ago the school was named a ‘School of Distinction” by the Supt. of Public Instruction: that program is no longer and the CEE created the “Great Schools Award” using the identical criteria. Dr. Gene Sheratt presented the award at the October 14 meeting of the Waitsburg School Board. Front row: Lori Bartlow, Stephanie Wooderchak, Pam Conover, Roseanne Groom, Mel McWhorter, Liv Leid, Becky Wilson, Nicole Wright, Becky Dunn, Colter Mohney. Back row: Jeff Bartlow, Jim Leid, Lynnsey Bailey, Margie Douglas, Brad Green, Nancy Bickelhaupt, Patty Hazelwood.

Over 100 people gathered in the early Tuesday morning hours for the Flu Shot Round-Up. This year in particular, it is important to be immunized against the seasonal influenza.

Three hundred quality musicians are expected to visit Waitsburg High School next week for the Southeast Washington High School Mass Band and Chorus, a giant gathering of high school bands from Touchet to Clarkston, Asotin to Oaksdale, Kahlotus to Colfax, and Prescott.

Twenty- Five Years Ago

October 20, 1994

Waitsburg Historical Society has been awarded $1000 by the Blue Mountain Area Foundation for a solid wood fence on the west side of the Bruce Mansion. Jim Leid, of Waitsburg, president of the Historical Society, expressed the group’s appreciation.

Dayton’s sixth grade class of students is doing something to improve the environment of animals. Last week, several students and their teacher, Jeff Coulter, attended the Dayton school board meeting to talk about the learning project, being coordinated with the help of the state Department of Ecology, Broughton Land Co, and Green Giant, in Dayton.

“They caught it at just about the right time.” Bruce Larkin, of Wilbur Fletcher, Inc., of Dayton, is talking about Waitsburg’s 1-million-gallon water storage tank, north of town. He says, “quite a bit” of rust spots had formed inside the tank and left alone, they would have eaten through the 3/8-inch-thick steel.

Fifty Years Ago

October 16, 1969

The City of Waitsburg finished channel work in the Touchet River last weekend, without the sanction of the State Fish and Game Department. The City had applied for a permit to clean out the stream and had begun scheduled work when the Fish and Game representatives arrived with the permit. The officer never gave the permit to the City, telling Mayor Roy Leid that “If the equipment is in the stream this afternoon, the City will get a citation. The work was finished, sans permit, sans citation, sans obstructions in the channel.

The Jack Ottersons announced this week that the Plaza Theatre will be open on Friday night only, starting this week. The Dayton Drive-in, which is also operated by the Ottersons, has closed for the season.

Photo caption: John Nordheim, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nordheim, won first place at the “Appa-Jack” jumping show held in Yakima Oct 10, 11, and 12. He was riding XR’s War Dance, a registered Appaloosa owned by Q. R. Goodwin of Sunnyside.

Seventy- Five Years Ago

October 20, 1944

Friday’s starting line-up for the game with the Wa-Hi B’s will include Melvin Dunn, Derrold Barnes, Bruce Wilson, Allen Balm, Bob Wardrip, Geo. Daniels, Deale Ford, Bill Dunn, Dan Telecky, Bob Estes and Wayne Hinchliffe.

Dr. Wilson Compton has been named president of Washington State College.

Mr. and Mrs. Chester Stonecipher are the parents of a son, Wayne Howard, born Oct 15.

Mrs. W. C. Atkins entertained at a bridge luncheon last Friday afternoon. Guests were Mrs. Gretchen Mikkelsen, Mrs. Jack Cockburn, Mrs. Glen Howard, Mrs. Forrest Conover, Mrs. Will Wallace, Mrs. Carl Fulton and Mrs. Carl Fisher.

One Hundred Years Ago

October 24, 1919

A heavy rain Wednesday night turned to snow Thursday morning and our citizens, upon arising in the morning, found the ground covered with a blanket of wet snow.

Margaret Ziger, Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Ziger, who has been attending St. Paul’s school at Walla Walla, has been brought home ill with what is reported a typhoid fever.

E. C. Howard and C. E. Starr, two young men of this city, this week purchased the stock of bicycle supplies from Wheatley and Macomber and have opened up the Cycle Shop in the Morgan building, opposite the post office.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

October 16, 1894

J. L. Keiser is out in Spring Valley. He and his mother, Roxie Kesier, expect to go on a visit to Polk county, Oregon next week.

Buss Fine is going into the hog business on an extension scale and its dollars to doughnuts he’ll make a bushel of money out of the business.

Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Richardson celebrated their tenth anniversary of their wedding in their new and handsome residence on Monday evening Oct. 15 and a pleasant and memorable occasion they made of it.


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