WAITSBURG-Waitsburg High School was busy this past week with homecoming competitions and games. From school decorating contests to plunger races and powderpuff football, it was as wild as it sounds!
Sunday afternoon bore witness to a main-floor facelift at the high school, as each class gathered and showed their best school spirit through locker decorating, lots of red, white and black streamers, and a few bottles of window paint. Waitsburg High School was bursting with spirit, with the Sophomore class getting a head start and winning the decorating contest.
Pep assemblies were held throughout the week, complete with class chants and themed dress-up competitions.
The competitions were headed off with the Stretcher Races. Each class had a team of 5 that had to design a stretcher, pick a 'patient,' and carry the patient from point 'a' to point 'b.' The sophomore class claimed the victory and moved their patient the fastest. BuffPuff Volleyball, where the guys are coached by the ladies, gave the Junior class some coveted points and bragging rights.
The teachers even got involved when it came time for the Plunger Races on Wednesday. Mr. Kiefel and Mr. Elder showed up and challenged students and left with the win! The Freshman class claimed the overall victory. The Thursday Waterbottle Knockdown contest, in which students donned tennis-ball weighted pantyhose on their heads and used the ball to knock over bottles of water, produced some laughs and cheers.
The final school competition, which also happens to come with some of the best high school bragging rights and memories, was the lip-sync contest. The seniors nabbed a much needed win, performing a lip sync complete with guitarists and backflips, to "Eye of the Tiger."
The school spirit was very obvious, from the students dressing up for themed days and actively participating in the pep assemblies. The spirit made my alumna-heart happy, and geared everyone up for a tough football game Friday night. A special thank you goes out to the advisors, parents and staff for being so supportive during this fun week.
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