Ten Years Ago
October 29, 2009
Waitsburg High School graduate Ashley Coila is making the most of her first college volleyball season with the Bethany University Bruins. Coila, the daughter of Richard and Gloria Lybecker of Waitsburg and Curtis Coila of Waitsburg was thrust into a starting position earlier this season when a teammate was lost to a career-ending injury. “Ashley has done a remarkable job playing a very demanding position,” Head coach Reed Duffus said.
Darver Tackle Shop was the program at the October 20 meeting of the Waitsburg Commercial Club. President Delores introduced Verna Linklater of the Darver Tackle Shop in Starbuck. She and her husband Darcy, a Waitsburg High School graduate, have purchased several properties, maintain an extensive tackle shop featuring rods, reels, fishing equipment, and gift items.
Photo caption: The façade of Ye Towne Hall is coming along, thanks to the efforts of crews working for Scott Stocke Drywall and Painting, Milton-Freewater. This week the color coats of burgundy will be applied to the arched portion. And a light beige will be applied to everything else. The board of directors for the hall are working out the details of renovating the interior.
Twenty-Five Years Ago
October 20, 1994
Dayton’s sixth grade class of students is doing something to improve the environment of animals. For the past several weeks, the class has been involved in the Patit Creek Riparian Zone Project, which centers on a ¾ mile stretch of the creek bed in Dayton. For the past several weeks the class has been planning ways to improve the bird and animal habitat along the creek.
Michelle Long has something in common with Wyatt Earp. Like the long-ago lawman of Tombstone, Ariz, Long is a marshal. And like Earp, Long rides horses. This past weekend at the 1994 Octoberfest Dressage and Hunter-Jumper Show in the Tri-Cities Long and “Sebastian” won two championship classes—a first for both of them.
Odako Club met at the home of Donna Keeney on Oct, 13 with Joan Johnson as co-hostess. Dona Jean Smith won the door prize. Luella Thompson was installed as vice-president during the meeting.
Stacy Thomas, daughter of Jeannie Thomas of Waitsburg and Dwight Thomas of Prescott was installed as Worthy Advisor of Rainbow Assembly No. 68 on Wednesday evening, Oct 12. Installing officers were Heather Stephenson, Bettie Chase, Patty Horney, recorder, Nancy Otterson, marshal, Jackie Ely, chaplain and Krista McKinley, organist.
Fifty Years Ago
October 23, 1969
The Waitsburg Commercial Club set up a community development committee at its meeting last Tuesday night. Purpose of the committee is to investigate ways of attracting new business to the community and also to set up a method to help fund those who would establish a business here
Dayton Kiwanis members Del Freidline and Bill Schirmer spoke to the Waitsburg Commercial Club on Tuesday, October 14, on the upcoming student’s trip to Japan. The tour is called TOY (tour of Yokohama). The trip will be by chartered jet, with 165 people aboard. This will include 100 student places, with 80 of these now filled.
Photo caption: Terry John was named Mr. Football and Margie Baker was crowned Homecoming Queen at halftime ceremonies of the Homecoming football game here last Friday. The couple were chosen by balloting in the W-Club and the Pep Club.
Seventy-Five Years Ago
Oct 27, 1944
Miss Mae Bamford and Lawrence Huwe were united in marriage at an attractive informal wedding ceremony at the home of the bride’s parents in Dayton Saturday at 8’oclock.
Mrs. Hesper Archer and Mrs. C.N. Eaton entertained with a luncheon honoring the past matrons of Waitsburg Chapter at the Masonic Hall Monday. The afternoon was spent doing Red Cross work. A past Matron’s Club was formed with Mrs. Charles Kingman as president.
One Hundred Years Ago
Oct 31, 1919
School was dismissed Monday so that the pupils could pick apples. Most of the girls and boys went to Bradbury’s Orchard. At the end of the day, the majority ruled that it would rather go to school the next day.
Will D. Harris and wife and young son, Fred, left Saturday for a couple month visit with relatives in eastern states. They go first to Ontario, Canada, and afterwards will go on to New York state.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago
Oct 26, 1894
In Pendleton Sunday morning before starting for the Penitentiary with Guy Clark, who mixed too much in the larceny case in which John Samuel was a witness, the sheriff led him out of the cell to the clerk’s office where he was duly married to Cora May Saling with whom he had been too “gay.”
Wheat is up one cent, or was at the time we went to press, but before this ink gets dry, it may be down two cents. This is an age of uncertainties you know. Doggone such times.
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