PRESCOTT—In November 2018, voters of the Prescott Joint Park and Recreation District (PJPRD) voted 62.63% YES on the $115,000 Maintenance & Operation levy request. Because of the levy passage, the Prescott Pool completed a 69-day season with an average daily attendance of 60 swimmers.
The annual levy is on the November 5, 2019 General Election Mail-In Ballot again this year and needs to be postmarked by that date. Successful passage requires a 60% YES vote.
Operating expenses remain on budget for 2019. All employees are part-time or seasonal, however on January 1, 2020, the Washington minimum wage increases to $13.5/hr. This will increase the district’s personnel costs.
Donations and grants have also supported the pool’s operations, with funding from the Northwest Grain Growers providing free swim lessons to 135 children in the 99348-zip code.
Additional grant awards from the George T. Welch Community Grant, and the Sherwood Trust funded leak repairs, a deck expansion and a sprinkler system installation. Additionally, grant funding made possible hot water in the showers.
The pool hosted groups from Vista Hermosa Day Camp, The Club in Dayton and Prescott School. Walla Walla County officials estimate the levy request would cost 33¢ per $1,000 assessed value.
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