OLYMPIA, WA—Ballots for the 2019 General Election began to arrive in mailboxes last week. Voters have until 8 p.m. Nov. 5 to return their ballots, but Secretary of State Kim Wyman is encouraging Washingtonians to vote early.
“We’ve worked hard to make our elections accessible for voters, including the implementation of same-day voter registration which allows prospective voters to both register to vote and cast their ballots on Election Day,” said Wyman, the state’s chief elections officer. “Just because you can wait until Election Day to vote doesn’t mean you should. Ballots with late postmarks will not be counted. I encourage everyone to vote early to ensure ballots are received by the Nov. 5 deadline.”
Voters may return their completed ballots by mail – no postage required – or in-person at 310 W. Poplar St. in Walla Walla, at 341 East Main Street, Suite 3 in Dayton or at 789 Main St., in Pomeroy. Ballots returned by mail must be postmarked by Election Day. Voters may visit VoteWA.gov to ensure their ballot has been received.
Eligible Washington citizens can still register to vote in the 2019 General Election. Registration can be done online at VoteWA.gov or by mail by Oct. 28, or in-person at a voter’s county elections department up until 8 p.m. Election Day.
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