DAYTON—On Monday the Board of County Commissioners passed a resolution of intent to adopt legislation authorizing a Sales and Use tax to be used for affordable and supportive housing in accordance with SHB 1406.
The county’s associate planner Dena Martin told the commissioners this is not a new tax. Rather it is money the state already receives from the county, which will be reallocated to benefit supportive housing in the county. It is an additional source of funding to address housing needs, like rental assistance, help with utilities, and down payment assistance for people who meet a certain income threshold, she said.
The City of Dayton has passed a resolution of intent to adopt this legislation, and Walla Walla County, the City of Walla Walla, and Whitman and Garfied Counties are all looking into taking advantage of this cost sharing program.
“It’s better to have money local, than in the state’s hands,” said Commissioner Ryan Rundell.
Commissioner Mike Talbott agreed, “It’s going to be a good thing as far as I can tell.”
On Monday, the BOCC adopted a current expense levy in the amount of $15,466 which is a one percent increase for 2020, and is based on the 2019 current expense actual levy of $1,546,568.66.
They also passed a regular property tax levy for 2020 for County Road in the amount of $16,901.89, which is a one percent increase from 2019.
However, the BOCC denied a resolution seeking a regular levy in the amount of $30,000 for the Flood Control Zone District.
“If the voters didn’t vote for it then we are back to doing it the way we did it before,” said Commissioner Talbott.
There was discussion on Monday about whether some money for the FCZD could come from the commissioners’ own budget. This will be revisited later.
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